Benchmark results for a HP HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx with an AMD Ryzen 3 2300U processor.
Multi-Core Score Geekbench 3.4.2 Tryout for Windows x86 (32-bit) Result Information Upload DateJune 24th 2020, 4:14pm Views193 System Information HP HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows 10 Home (64-bit) ...
低于平均的 系统AVC CPU 396 低于平均的 元宇宙 GPU 173 低于平均的 用户评分: Nero Score第 167028,共 190831 条记录 851 评估 检查游戏性能 多媒体 一般 游戏 一般 系统信息 未知在2023-10-11 19:51:30提交 系统制造商HP 系统产品型号HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx ...
ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx触控板无法双击关闭 发布时间 2019-07-01 00:07:22 产品名称: HP ENVY 13-ag0000 x360 Convertible PC 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) 之前触控板可以双击左上角激活或者关闭触控板,现在无法这样操作,求一个可以有此功能的驱动或者给个...
Product: HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I have the HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx (Ryzen7)Product Number - 4AZ73EA#ABU I will be travelling a long distance for business and was wondering if someone could please conf...
Stephen2209 1 0 0 1,558 New member 02-04-2021 10:07 AM Product: HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I have an HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx, Product number: 3ZT30EA#ABU. The battery is swollen/warpe...
envy x360 13 ag0xxx win10-1809 关机屏幕熄灭后,电源灯和键盘灯以及风扇还在运转,要等3-4分钟以后才能完全关闭;合上盖子进入睡眠时也是这样,要等3-4分钟后笔记本电源灯开始闪烁,才能进入睡眠状态,完全进入睡眠前任何操作都无法唤醒屏幕 - 919152
Stephen2209 1 0 0 1,595 New member 02-04-2021 10:07 AM Product: HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I have an HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx, Product number: 3ZT30EA#ABU. The battery is swollen/warped...
Stephen2209 1 0 0 1,641 New member 02-04-2021 10:07 AM Product: HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I have an HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13-ag0xxx, Product number: 3ZT30EA#ABU. The battery is swollen/warped...