Watch live. IFAF European Flag Football European Championships – Championship Field, Aug. 18, 12:00 CET (12 noon, 6 am EDT) The anticipated debut of Ireland’s women’s team also comes at 9.45am as the hosts meet Germany, while the home team men get their campa...
Our meetings are each Friday at noon 12 PM EST. Toastmasters Can Help! Your success in business and life is based on how effective you communicate. Through participation in the Toastmasters program, people from all backgrounds learn to: Effectively speak in public Polish your podcasting voice С...
General Admission General entry begins at noon. Wagons or carts are allowed but please keep the pathways as clear as possible. Bring up to 10 pairs to sell and trade! 1:30 PM $1 Raffle First $1 raffle for a pair of BRAND NEW SNEAKERS ...
¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#bGxsbGEMeTuNMKMNnDZaNSw0eDtZM947jjahN8Y6cTNkNqI9RAxkPrANXTWWDLgM8SKAMEkNByIpNOoNnjfANQwyIjSnNq8yBjOtPI41uwyqOjY0eTw0NZkxGDxBON8xSyP5] 夏日冰淇淋iphone16Promax苹果手机壳新款15pro韩国菲林二合一14小众132卡通原创女11pro可爱XSmax全包防摔保 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#FRUVFRhGU...
🗓️ Date: March 15th (Rain Date: March 22nd) 🕘 Time: 10AM-Noon 📍 Location: Poffenberger Road 🧤 Supplies will be provided, just bring your enthusiasm and energy! Let's work together to make a difference and promote a cleaner, greener environment for everyone. ...
Sailfish Toastmasters club meets weekly & will help you grow in all aspects of speaking. Our meetings are each Friday at noon 12 PM EST. Toastmasters Can Help! Your success in business and life is based on how effective you communicate. Through participation in the Toastmasters program, people...
Art at Noon Gallery Talk - Joe Fig Enjoy discussions with specialists and artists relating to Sarasota Art Museum's exhibitions, architecture, and areas of interest. By Sarasota Art Museum 2.6k followers Follow Date and time Tuesday, March 18 · 12 - 1pm EDT ...