二、功耗墙的区别解析 通过观察图表,我们可以发现I7-12700H具有35W、45W以及115W三种功耗模式,这些都可以根据需求进行自定义设置(需注意,不同品牌可能会根据自身需求设定特定的功耗墙,同时,用户也可以通过XTU软件进行相应调整)。 在CPU处于负载状态时,它首先会维持一个预设的高主频,但当达到功耗墙限制时,主频将会自动...
1. Can you take a picture of the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) where we can see the high temperatures? 2. Are you using any other tools to monitor the temperatures? 3. Can you take a picture of the task manager when while the CPU is at high temperatures? 4. What...
散热加强一点,我记得有均热板扣具,那个控制温度好很多,不过感觉买了那个就不值了。下载intel xtu可以在右下角看到撞墙的情况,去看是什么撞墙了,可能是电流墙也可能是功耗墙,一般是功耗墙撞了所以频率起不来 来自iPhone客户端6楼2024-12-06 18:29 收起回复 农村...
First, the frequency doesn't go over 4.1GHz. I read some HP owners had this problem, but in their case, it was because of some BIOS update that changed multipliers. In my case, the multipliers are fine. Second, in the XTU benchmark, the temperature gets to 95 ...
1. Can you take a picture of the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) where we can see the high temperatures? 2. Are you using any other tools to monitor the temperatures? 3. Can you take a picture of the task manager when while the CPU is at high temperatures? 4. What...
如题12700H电压高 光桌面代价都在1.2v-1.3v以上 如何降压 xtu的电压调节是灰色的 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-05-20 18:50回复 8086 1 我gp76降了36mV 来自Android客户端5楼2022-09-15 00:23 收起回复 柔小虐 8086 1 咋不能降压,我的12700H降到28W稳的一P,温度也低 6楼2022-10-19...
1. Can you take a picture of the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) where we can see the high temperatures? 2. Are you using any other tools to monitor the temperatures? 3. Can you take a picture of the task manager when while the CPU is at high temperatures? 4...