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But I need them, coz the Sytnth needs a checksum from all sended msg´s How can I jaust format a 1 to "01" a niullnullzero to "00" and a 10 to "0A"?? know this is silly, but gets me crazy Greets and a happy Spring begin Ray Hallo Ray, Da Du Deine Frage in den...
整数形式,目前只有一种取值1,表示JOB。 number numberValue 指定组件主消息记录的最大个数。 整数形式,取值范围是0~10000。 subType subTypeValue 指定组件的子消息类型。 整数形式,不同组件取值范围不一样,具体如下: Pimcore组件:取值范围是1~8。 1-Prom Event Add 2-Prom EventEx Add 3-Prom If Event Ad...
The value ranges from 0 to FFFFFFFF, in hexadecimal notation. mainType mainTypeValue Specifies the main message type of a component. The value can be set only to 1, indicating JOB. number numberValue Specifies the maximum number of recorded main messages of a component. The value is an i...
过程审核内容 – P520% Grau 0 Schwarz 3342540 Audi Rot PMS 186 0 Schwarz 55806 PMS 116 45052 PMS 137 3184428 PMS 362PMS 633Wei?40% Grau 6710886 60% Grau 3355443 80% Grau 7328739 PMS 458 7580324 PMS 5777PMS 569PMS 632 Deutsch Falsch Falsch Master Methodenbaustein XY I/PD-11 Laura ...
品牌名称TE Connectivity(泰科电子)/DEUTSCH 商品型号D369-B66-AP0 商品编号C3271231 包装方式 袋装 商品毛重 1克(g) 数据手册 商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 属性参数值 商品目录 胶壳(线对板/线对线) 插孔结构 - 属性参数值 排数 2 每排PIN数 - ...
品牌 55所 13所 Murata 村田 泰科 ON 力士乐 ALTERA AD 施耐德 DEUTSCH 安森美 Pasternack TDK TOSHIBA 罗兰 pecn 广濑 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 安捷伦 SEP Amphenol XILINX DELPHI Samsung NXP 鑫鼎拓电子 TI 安德罗斯 MINI 顺络 英飞凌 福电恒信 数量 100 999 1000 2000 2200 4800 5000 5648 6000 8000 8600 9000 96...
The value ranges from 0 to FFFFFFFF, in hexadecimal notation. mainType mainTypeValue Specifies the main message type of a component. The value can be set only to 1, indicating JOB. number numberValue Specifies the maximum number of recorded main messages of a component. The value is an integ...
The value ranges from 0 to FFFFFFFF, in hexadecimal notation. mainType mainTypeValue Specifies the main message type of a component. The value can be set only to 1, indicating JOB. number numberValue Specifies the maximum number of recorded main messages of a component. The value is an i...
The value ranges from 0 to FFFFFFFF, in hexadecimal notation. mainType mainTypeValue Specifies the main message type of a component. The value can be set only to 1, indicating JOB. number numberValue Specifies the maximum number of recorded main messages of a component. The value is an i...