Atlantic News Mike Pebesma Modeler's Corner Mike Robin Ontario Northland News CANADIAN NATIONAL CN Locomotives Sold: In early September, CN sold EJ&E SW1200's 302, 306, and 316 to NRE (National Railway Equipment), EJE SW1200 316 arrived in Fulton on September 9th enroute to Paducah, KY...
Habitats that are also highly heterogeneous or hard to sample (e.g. boulder-strewn shores) are also harder to assess quantitatively (Hawkins and Jones, 1992). Effective sampling using standard quantitative techniques, such as quadrats, is further hampered by, among others, a number of unknowns...
Since January 1, after three months of steady progress across the Atlantic and 90 percent of his journey complete, Doba5(fight)unexpected storms and paddling in circles.Communication with Doba has been tricky because he has been unable6(contact)his support team since December 20 due to a techni...
特朗普禁令效果显现,壳牌放弃新泽西州大型海上风电场 根据美联社2月1日发布的报道,在新任美国总统特朗普于1月20日签署行政令,要求全面停止海上风电的租赁销售,并暂停发放陆上和海上风电项目的批准、许可证和贷款后,油气巨头壳牌公司已作出决定,放弃了新泽西州沿海的大型海上风电项目—Atlantic Shores项目。据悉,该项目原计...