12panelnow offers Drug Tests in Bulk at the best price in the industry . We have a 12 Panel Drug Test as low as $1.79 per cup and free shipping . 12 Panel Now
Comes in 5, 10 & 12 Panel. Results in Minutes! As Low As: $2.60 | Purchase Perfect Anywhere! Used in the workplace, correctional, clinical and at home. Affordable Price The more you buy, the more you save. No More Mess The new, fully automatic drug testing cup is designed for the...
Discover Easy@Home 12 Panel Urine Drug Test Cup Kit ECDOA-7124. Quick results, 5 pack available now.
At12-Panel Now, we ensure that you never have to deal with the stock issue when it comes to drug test cups. We have over 200,000 drug test cup stocks ready. Hence, when you book an order, whether it is tendrug test cupsor 100, we deliver all within just a few days. ...
Rapid urine Multi panel drug test cup Co-Innovation Biotech Co., Ltd.(hereafter called CIBIO)was founded in 2012 at Guangzhou, China, is an integrity of R&D, Manufacturing and marketing of rapid diagnostics tests. The founders created the company name with "Co-innovation"...
Product Specifications: The 12 Panel Drug Test is easy to use, convenient and up to 99% accurate. The test cup has a one-step, fully integrated and self contained screening cup. The 12 panel drug test screens for the presence of Cocaine,Buprenorphine, Benzodiazepines, Morp...
Prime Screen - 12 Panel Instant Urine Drug Testing Cup_ [1 Pack] T-3124 2394.5 out of 5 Stars. 239 reviews Save with Prime Screen - [1 Pack] 18 Panel Urine Drug Test Cup - Instant Urine Drug Testing Marijuana (THC), AMP, BAR, BUP, BZO, COC, mAMP, MDMA, MOP, MTD, OXY, PCP,...
1. Strip Format: Lowest cost test format 2.Cassette Format: Most commonly used test format 3. Multi-Panel Dipcard Format: Convenient format for multi-drug screening; Can be any combination of 2-12 drug tests 4. Mutli-test Cup Format: Mo...
Multi Drug Abuse (DOA) Urine Rapid Diagnostic Test card/cup with 6-12 panel Product Description Singclean Multi-Drug One Step Test Kit is used tu qualitatively detect whether there are drugs of drug metabolites in the urine of target people, and conduct p...
12 Panel Drug Test Cup PCP/25, AMP/1000, MOP/OPI/300, MET/1000, BZO/300, COC/300, MTD/300, OXY/100, BUP/10, MDMA/500, THC/50, BAR/300, CLIA Waived Rated 5.00 out of 5 — available on subscription 13 Panel Drug Test Cup with FEN/20, AMP/1000, OPI/300, MET/1000, BZO...