AA会员们改变行为的具体步骤称为十二步步骤(12Steps)。而指导AA小组活动的原则称为十二传统/准则(12Traditions)。AA程序不仅用于戒酒,用于戒毒也成效斐然,于是名称相应地改为戒毒匿名会(Narcotic Anonymus,简称NA)。 “十二个步骤”是互诫协会个人戒酒方案的核心。这些步骤不是抽象的理论,它是依据互诫协会早期会员经...
Alcoholics Anonymous - 12 Steps, A Guide is intended as a simple, short and concise interpretation of the rules for sober living as compiled by the ea…
AA会员们改变行为的具体步骤称为十二步步骤(12Steps)。而指导AA小组活动的原则称为十二传统/准则(12Traditions)。AA程序不仅用于戒酒,用于戒毒也成效斐然,于是名称相应地改为戒毒匿名会(NarcoticAnonymus,简称NA)。 “十二个步骤”是互诫协会个人戒酒方案的核心。这些步骤不是抽象的理论,它是依据互诫协会早期会员经...
不过埃尔德并未详细地介绍文中提到的“12步和12惯例(Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions)”,博主从网上搜罗了一下,以飨读者。 “嗜酒者互诫协会”即“匿名戒酒会”,Alcoholics Anonymous,简称AA。互诫协会的“十二个步骤”是一套精神原则。如果作为一种生活方式予以实践,这些原则能用于去除喝酒的瘾癖,使酒瘾患者从...
AA 12 Steps Guide - For Alcoholic Anonymous is intended as a simple, short and concise interpretation of the rules for sober living as compiled by the earliest…
12 Step House Sober Living for AA and NA recovering alcoholics and addicts, residential, half-way house, help and support for sober living.
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Now you can listen to recovery speakers from AA, NA, CA, OA or Al-Anon! When you want. Where you want. How you want. 12 Steps Audio is the most innovative and convenient recovery speaker app available providing you with on-the-go access to speakers f
(1992). Reframing spirituality, the Twelve Steps, and the mental health counselor. Joumal of Mental Health Counseling, 14(2), 166-179.Hanna, F.J. (1992). "Reframing Spirituality: AA the 12 Steps and the Mental Health Counse- lor." Mental Health Counseling, 14(2), 166-179....
* AA Steps & Traditions * Daily Readings & Reflections * How to Live Sober * Narcotics Anonymous Speaker Tapes * Al-Anon Speaker Tapes * Stories from Bill Wilson * 12 Step Workshops * Personal Stories of Recovery * Sober Meditations and Prayers ...