11bnmr是指对硼-11同位素进行核磁共振分析,通过测量不同化学环境下硼-11核自旋共振频率的差异来获得化合物的结构信息。硼-11是一种自然存在的同位素,其核自旋量子数为3/2,因此具有核磁共振的性质。当硼-11核在外加磁场的作用下发生共振时,可以通过测量共振频率和强度来获取化合物的结构和性质信息。 11bnmr在化学...
11b.-NMR-基本二维谱操作介绍-2014.11 内容 NMR原理NMR概况NMR操作NMR解谱NMR开放管理NMR应用 硬件/软件 NMR谱仪厂家液体核磁/固体核磁 参数含义 NMR结构:磁体/探头/气路/console/电脑 北大NMR情况,搬迁NMR相关期刊 配样 灵敏度/分辨率,卫星峰/旋转边带 检测:基本H/C操作dept/apt/定量C基本2D操作(cosy,noesy,...
11B and 15N NMR spectroscopy is proven to be a powerful tool for the estimation of hydrolytic stabilities of the title com pounds; good correlatations between the hydrolytic stability of the compounds and δ15N , resp. or δ11B as well as the size of the nitrogen substituent could be found...
11bnmr基本二维谱操作介绍201411.pptx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Whole view;NMR 操作 view;基本 2D view;2D general_excel-1;gHSQC excel_3;gCOSY 操作 view;gCOSY _excel;jexp1_H;mf(1,6) movesw;ds nl, Input gCOSY ;par;gCOSY 谱图 view;cosy 谱图处理_...
Darstellung, 11B-NMR-, Schwingungsspektren und Kristallstruktur von [(C5H5N)2CH2][1-(O2N)B10H9] (p2057-2060) Nachtigal, C,Preetz, W.Darstellung, 11B-NMR-, Schwingungsspektren und Kristallstruktur von Bis (tetraphenylphosphonium)-2-[2- (2-pyridylamino)pyrid-... C Nachtigal,W ...
Wholeview 内容 NMR原理NMR概况 NMR操作NMR解谱NMR开放管理NMR应用NMR维修NMR论坛 NMR操作view 基本H/C操作基本2D操作:cosy/noesy/hsqc/hmbc进階2D操作:tocsy,roesy,J-Resolve,Inadequate特殊谱操作:DEPT,APT,一维noe,压溶剂峰杂核操作:F,B,Li,D,Si,O,N弛豫操作:T1,T2变温操作:高温,低温 ...
Darstellung, 11B-NMR- ... My Searches (0) (0) Shopping Cart Architecture and Design Area Studies Arts Chemistry Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Computer Sciences Cultural Studies Economics Engineering Geosciences History Industrial Chemistry Jewish Studies Law Library and Information Science, ...
The 11B-NMR chemical shift of BPA differs from that of boric acid and the signal area ratio of BPA: boric acid corresponds to the concentration ratio of these species. This fact means that there is a possibility to determine BPA and boric acid simultaneously by the NMR method. Recently, ...
11B Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements have been performed on a single crystal of YNi2B2C superconductor to investigate the vortex structure and dynamical behavior. Spectrum, line width and transverse relaxation rate of 11B NMR are measured at 1.8 and 3.0 T. The spectrum below 4...