诞生自Bill Putnam之手的1176可以看作是同样非常成功的UA 175B跟UA 176的改良版,主要的改变是用当时的新发明——场效应管(FET, Field-Effect Transistor)来替代175B跟176上的电子管(Vacuum Tubes),用以控制压缩器对音频信号的衰减,这也是为啥它是我们今天的主角——它是场效应管压缩器(FET Compressor)的代表。
The first compressor featuring solid‑state circuitry and ultra-fast 20 microsecond FET gain reduction, the 1176 is an easy‑to‑use “desert island” compressor that has lent its character and punch to some of the greatest recordings in history. Upon its release in 2001, UA’s first ...
Wampler Ego Compressor: Wampler Ego Compressor是一款压缩效果器,通过控制输入信号的动态范围来提供平滑的压缩效果。它提供了类似于1176的透明压缩特性,并具备类似的控件布局,包括输入、输出、压缩和攻击/释放时间。Wampler Ego Compressor的设计旨在实现类似于1176的压缩特点和动态处理能力。 这些效果器试图捕捉UA 1176插件...
Some tips on building a do-it-yourself clone of the UREI 1176 FET Compressor , Rev. F The UREI 1176 Peak Limiter is a classic audio compressor designed by Bill Putnam, first built in 1967, making use of FETs and using them as a variable resistor to control the gain reduction in the ...
如此快的触发时间使得1176可以当作一个压限器(Limiter)来使用。其实你会发现1176的面板上根本没有Compressor(压缩器)的字样,更多出现的反而是Limiter或者Limiting的字样。 1176还有一个比较反人类的点,那就是触发时间(Attack)跟释放时间(Release)这两个旋钮,首先它的标度不是以时间为单位的,只是简简单单的1到7,按照...
为了欢迎您加入 Universal Audio 家族,我们免费为您提供传奇的 UA 1176 Classic FET Compressor。此特殊原生版本具有与完整系列相同的真实模拟建模,为您提供世界著名的音频压缩器的冲击力和快速启动 请访问下方链接进行登记以领取激活码,激活码将以邮件形式发送到您的个人邮箱。
Great for vocals, guitars, bass, drums, and whenever a classic 1970s-style FET compressor is needed, PSP FETpressor contains everything you’d expect from a FET compressor: an internal side chain high pass filter to control amount of low frequency pumping, smoothly adjustable compression ratio,...
Iconic solid-state limiters — which includes FET and VCA designs — with hit-record pedigree include the Empirical Labs EL8 DIstressor, API 2500 Bus Compressor, dbx 160, and of course the UA 1176.These solid-state compressors are famous for their punchy, aggressive tone....
FET-Style Compressor with Class A Output & Custom Transformers True to the original 1176 in design, manufacturing and performance Class A line level output amplifier Custom built Putnam-designed output transformer Modeled after 1176LN, blackface, D and E revisions Ultra fast attack time – 20 micr...
How do the various UAD 1176 compressor models perform against each other? An 1176 Timeline In 1966 Bill Putnam’s Universal Audio featured tube compressor models 175 and 176, but in the lab plans to build a solid state compressor utilizing a circuitry based around a FET (Field Emitting Transis...