11452-1-AP targets MIER1 in WB, IHC, ChIP, ELISA applications and shows reactivity with human, mouse, rat samples. Tested Applications WB, IHC, ELISA Application Description Cited Applications WB, IHC, ChIP Tested Reactivity human, mouse, rat Cited Reactivity human, mouse Immunogen MIER1 fusio...
WB analysis of human testis using 11452-1-AP (same clone as 11452-1-PBS) human testis tissue were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 11452-1-AP (MIER1 antibody) at dilution of 1:500 incubated at room temperature for 1.5 hours. This data was developed using the same an...
WB analysis of human testis using 11452-1-AP (same clone as 11452-1-PBS) human testis tissue were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 11452-1-AP (MIER1 antibody) at dilution of 1:500 incubated at room temperature for 1.5 hours. This data was developed using the same an...
aP :6 traP — enilpirtS :5 traP — )ICB( n oitcejni t nerruc k luB :4 traP — llec )MET( e dom c iten amortcele e srevsnarT :3 traP — erusolcne d edleihs d enil-rebrosbA :2 traP — snoitinif ed d na l areneG : 1 tr aP — :y r ene c iten amortcele d ...
第一块ap 感恩 26003 12 只看楼主 Wen小斗牛犬 楼主 初级表友 2024-11-09 10:52 工作了之后一直想靠自己买一块心仪的表,运气也好,排了2年队以后拿到了这一块15510,十分开心,和大家分享。收藏 分享到 微信好友 微信朋友圈 新浪微博 QQ好友 ...
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华为AirEngine 5762S-12室内无线AP,支持双射频支持Wi-Fi 6内置天线 室内 华为品牌 北京飞翔佳玉科技发展有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥10.00/件 浙江杭州 Batop SESAM半导体可饱和吸收镜 RSAM共振可饱和吸收镜 SOC可饱和吸收耦合输出镜 SANOS可饱和噪声去除腔 SA可饱和吸收体 PCA太赫兹光电导天线 杭州谱镭光电技术有...
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以太网供电POE网络防雷器(POE防雷器、以太网供电防雷器),是依据IEC和GB标准设计和制造,同时满足IEEE802.3AT要求,适用于利用POE网线供电的服务器、无线AP、网络摄像机、网络交换机等通信设备的电源、网络信号线路的电涌保护,一体化集成设计,安装方便。 POE网络防雷器功能特点: 1、采用电源+网络二合一集成设计,多级保护...