Code Clone HTTPS GitHub CLI Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Open with GitHub Desktop Download ZIP This branch is 42 commits behind donkingliang:master. Pull request Compare Latest commit Git stats 103 commits Files Permalink Failed to load latest commit information...
==>make all3 CC=clang $(ALLFLAGS) CXX=clang++ $(ALLFLAGS) ==>make DEST_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/p7zip/9.20.1 DEST_MAN=/usr/local/Cellar/p7zip/9.20.1/share/man install ==>chmod -R +w /usr/local/Cellar/p7zip/9.20.1/share/doc/p7zip 然后使用7z命令即可 7z e filename.7z 转载请...