a. “Joseph of Arimathea or The Romance of the Saint Grall or Holy Grail, an alliterative Poem, A.D. 1350,” from the unique Vernon ms. at Oxford. b. Wynkyn de Worde, The Lyfe of Joseph of Armathy . A Treatyse taken out of a book whych sometime Theodosius the Emperor found...
[79]《泛美经济概况》(Panorama económico Latinoamericano)第87期,哈瓦那,1963年9月。 [80]皮埃尔·蒙贝格(Pierre Monbeig):《圣保罗的种植园主和先驱者》(Pionniers et planteurs de São Paulo),巴黎,1952年。 [81]中央银行、巴西咖啡协会(Instituto Brasileiro do Café)和联合国粮农组织(FAO)的统计资料...
highly analytical approach coupled with a refreshingly creative streak. Her interest in her subjects extends far beyond the examination of syllabuses; we often have chats before and after lessons about the latest science book or article she is reading. One of these conversations particularly sticks i...
visit, he met with senior representatives from the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Colombia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Colombia’s Mining and Energy Planning Unit, Chile’...
The President speaks of America Works. 总统提到了美国就业法案 Ms. Dunbar wants to raise minimum wage. 邓巴女士想要提高最低工资 Talks about regulating executive pay. 她提到了控制高管薪酬 But a lot of people aren't quite clear 但很多人还不清楚 about your economic policy. 你主张的经济政策 What...
(54) 虽然英国最近新撰的“国家联邦”(“Commonwealth of Nations”)这一名词没有正式用来称呼丹麦王国的自治领,但冰岛和丹麦当时在宪法上的关系同英联邦的海外自治领和联合王国在宪法上的关系并无多大不同。见下文,原著第157页。 (55) 见下文,原著第158页注②(即本书第220页注①。——译者)。条约文本见英国...
Parker, I note on your Web site that you have three book-length volumes concerning the future of higher education: Volume I,The Future of Higher Lifelong Education and Virtual Space; Volume II, Research On Global Crises, Still Primitive; and Volume III, Future Learning and Teaching. What st...
The present-day continental United States has been inhabited for at least 15,000 years by indigenous tribes. After European exploration and settlement in the 16th century, the English established their own colonies—and gained control of others that had been begun by other European nations—in the...
We would applaud it if other capable nations could race to provide vaccines to developing countries to help the world defeat the virus at an early date. 3 新华社记者:日前,美国前助理国防部长、资深外交官傅立民在东亚论坛上发表题为《华盛顿正在打一场注定会输的对华比赛》一文,指出美国试图通过不断...
and to engage not to transfer to other nations or their subjects, without the consent of Russia, mines or other interests in Manchuria, Mongolia, and Sinkiang.These and some other clauses in the draft treaty, when they became known, aroused opposition from public opinion in China and other ...