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Idioma de WindowsEtiqueta que se va a usar en LayoutModification.jsonEtiqueta de estilo anterior (no se usa si es diferente de la segunda columna) Afrikáans af af-ZA Albanés sq sq-AL Alsaciano gsw gsw-CH Amárico am am-ET Árabe (Argelia) ar-DZ ar-DZ Árabe (Bahréin) ar-BH a...
con la curaduría del escritor, periodista y traductorGuillermo Piro, presenta a 50 figuras de la cultura argentina (escritores, músicos, fotógrafos, actores, cineastas, deportistas y dramaturgos) seleccionan su fotografía favorita y explican las razones de la elección en...
🇦🇷 Argentina 350 Buenos Aires 30 Catamarca 2 Chaco 5 Chubut 4 htt...
ByJoanna KalafatisJuly 11, 2023 9:15 am EST Static Media / Shutterstock How often do you have guests in your house, a couple of liquor bottles, a simple mixer or two, and no idea what to make for the group? It turns out you don't need a lot of complicated ingredients to create ...
Durante noviembre de 2022 se registraron 18 transacciones de M&A, 4 menos que las registradas en noviembre de 2021, que alcanzaron 22. 2022年11月,登记了18宗并购交易,比2021年11月减少4宗,即去年11月为22宗。 En noviembre de 2022, destaca la transacción de Grupo AXO que adquirió a la com...
I am, indeed, older than dirt. Thanks for the reminder. But the setting of my Vision regarding this game was set in modern Monterrey. I was jamming with famous local alt-rock band Plastina Mosh, right on the Santa Lucia Riverwalk. We were pounding out “los Oxidados”– the opening so...
I am definitely pleased with the purchase! I will update the review in the future (if NewEgg lets me) with anything important - Dredwick posted on 10/25/2023 Top CRITICAL Review Waste of money Pros: Temperatures are nice and cool if airflow is ke...
Launch of Apollo 11 from top of the gantry on July 16, 1969 at exactly 9:32AM (EST). Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969: "The Eagle Has Landed". The video below is the official NASA release of the live world-wide broadcast of Neil Armstrong's first step on the Moon, and the words he...
I am in awe of what you helped to accomplish- the greatest human endevour of all time. God bless you, Buzz, and happy birthday! Robert Peyton Porterfield Have a great day, Mr. Aldrin! Tara Charnow Congratulations Mr Aldrin – thanks for your awesome contribution Clive...