--plyr-audio-progress-buffered-background The fill color for the buffer indication in the scrubber for audio. rgba(193, 200, 209, 0.6) --plyr-range-thumb-height The height of the scrubber handle/thumb. 13px --plyr-range-thumb-background The background of the scrubber handle/thumb. #fff...
Memory bandwidth constraints limit the speed at which data can be delivered to the GPU. The introduction of 3D memory will provide 3X the bandwidth and nearly 3X the frame buffer capacity of Maxwell. This will let developers build even larger neural networks and accelerate the bandwidth-intensive ...
Code Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights More master BranchesTags 1branch7tags Code Clone HTTPSGitHub CLI Download ZIP This branch is13861 commits behindaudacity:master. Audacity(R): A Free, Cross-Platform Digital Audio Editor WWW:http://audacityteam.org/We welcome feedback on Au...