4.2. 10GBASE-R and 10GBASE-KR 4.2.1. 10GBASE-R and 10GBASE-KR Transceiver Datapath Configuration 10GBASE-R 10GBASE-KR 4.2.2. 10GBASE-R and 10GBASE-KR Supported Features 4.2.3. 1000BASE-X and 1000BASE-KX Transceiver Datapath 4.2.4. 1000BASE-X and 1000BASE-KX Supported Featur...
接收方向:FEC子层从PMA子层接收数据,经过PN-2112解扰器解扰,实现FEC帧同步,FEC解码/纠错(误码率不能太高), 对65B/66B代码转换(先去掉一比特T头,再添加两比特同步头),最后将数据发送给PCS子层; BASE-R FEC使用缩短的循环码(2112=65×32+32开销,2080=65×32)[原始循环码为(42987,42955)]执行错误检查和前...
Figure 152.10GBASE-R PHY Connection to IEEE802.3 MAC and RS Note:To implement a 10GBASE-R link, instantiate the10GBASE-R PHY IPcore in the IP Catalog, underEthernetin the Interfaces menu. The IEEE 802.3ap-2007 specification also requires each backplane link to support multi-data rates of ...
10GBASE-KR是与介质相关的,K表明介质是背板,R表示使用10GBASE-R PCS。 10GBASE-KR的分层结构 当我们提到CPRI支持10GBASE-KR时,我们是在说CPRI也使用了10GBASE-KR的分层结构,即从上到下依次为10GBASE-R PCS、FEC、PMA、PMD和AN。 既然是背板传输,意味着要支持FEC子层和AN。FEC的作用在于提供编码增益以增加链...
AR# 53443: 10Gbit 以太网 PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR) v2.6 – 来自 SFP 的 TX FAULT 和 Signal Detect 输入无需同时连接到 Rx 和 Tx 复位逻辑 Description 在10Gbit 以太网 PCS/PMA 内核实例设计中,存在部分不必要的到 SFP TX-FAULT 和 Signal_Detect 输入的连接。
When using the Ten Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR) v2.6 core, DRP Read and Writes are not initiated for the training interface or PRBS testing. The training interface is only available when using the 10GBASE-KR version of the core.When using both 10GBASE-R and 10GBASE...
例如,10GBASE-KR 是一种 10 Gbps (10G) 数据速率基带 (BASE) 规范,具有背板 (K) 介质,使用 64B/66B (R) 编码方案,采用单通道配置。这纯粹是一个电气规范,完全定义了兼容以太网 PHY 的功能和特性。 10GBASE-KX4 也是背板的 10 Gbps 基带规范;但是,它使用 8B/10B (X) 编码,采用聚合 4 通道配置。尽...
If using the 10GBASE-KR core, in addition to the described behavior for 10GBASE-R, the synchronizer logic could swallow a pulse which results in the PCS block lock state machine remaining in reset. The failure is not typically seen every time or in every implementation. If it happens, a ...