Figure 152.10GBASE-R PHY Connection to IEEE802.3 MAC and RS Note:To implement a 10GBASE-R link, instantiate the10GBASE-R PHY IPcore in the IP Catalog, underEthernetin the Interfaces menu. The IEEE 802.3ap-2007 specification also requires each backplane link to support multi-data rates of ...
Figure 88.10GBASE-R Datapath ConfigurationThe blocks shown as "Disabled" are not used, but incur latency. The blocks shown as "Bypassed" are not used and do not incur latency. Figure 89.Transceiver Channel Datapath for a 10GBASE-R Configuration ...
10GBASE-R 用于光模块 LAN 应用,如光路由器、服务器和交换机,10GBASE-R 是 IEEE 802.3-2008 规范第 49 条中定义的 10 Gb 以太网链路的特定物理层实现。10GBASE-R PHY 使用 XGMII 接口连接到 IEEE802.3 媒体访问控制 (MAC) 和协调子层 (RS)。IEEE 802.3-2008 规范要求每个 10GBASE-R 链路在 XGMII 接口...
10GBASE-KR是与介质相关的,K表明介质是背板,R表示使用10GBASE-R PCS。 10GBASE-KR的分层结构 当我们提到CPRI支持10GBASE-KR时,我们是在说CPRI也使用了10GBASE-KR的分层结构,即从上到下依次为10GBASE-R PCS、FEC、PMA、PMD和AN。 既然是背板传输,意味着要支持FEC子层和AN。FEC的作用在于提供编码增益以增加链...
Part Number: DS125DF111 Hi team, Customer get a 10GBASE-R signal, and they want to convert it to 10GBASE- K R signal for long distance transmit, could you help
The following table provides known issues for the Ten Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR) core, starting with v2.1, initially released in ISE Design Suite 13.1. This is the first version to support 7 Series devices. For earlier versions of the core please refer to IP Release ...
在10Gb 以太网 PCS/PMA(10GBASE-R/10GBASE-KR)v2.3 内核中,时钟域边界上会增加同步延迟。 因此占用水平计算会延后两个周期。 这就意味着 FIFO 状态报告的 FIFO 比实际占用情况要高。 因此有时可能会出现闲置插入未标记,FIFO 会空转。 Solution 以下v2.3 rev1 补丁的修复能根据流水线版本的写入地址计算占用水...
BASE-R FEC(C74) FEC指的是前向纠错功能(forward error correction)功能。FEC的工作层次在PCS和PMA层之间。FEC功能通过提供编码增益的方式实现提高链路预算能力和BER性能。 发送方向:FEC子层从PCS子层接收数据,对66B/65B(先去掉两比特同步头,再添加一比特T头)代码转换,执行FEC编码/成帧,最后经过PN-2112加扰器加扰...