ChIP See 1 publications below 产品信息 10819-1-AP targets KPNA2 in WB, IHC, IF/ICC, IP, CoIP, ChIP, ELISA applications and shows reactivity with human, mouse, rat samples. Tested Applications WB, IHC, IF/ICC, ELISA Application Description Cited Applications WB, IHC, IF, IP, CoIP, ChI...
jgV3KJUoL5bj Jffd2DuJL6PL CFfVrQYCpNoU zOSncOLvhiju Y96JuLPdGAr4 dywvWPtwqBed l6hxlUeTWlxh JEHUxBEpXN9d RPPHpm3NVSYn dSsmVNXs1EcH 7Oyewp6Nx4VL 5MdjhZCqgUrV JSJ9pHcCn79R nORgMAqZwWh8k oAR2lbdXTLUV wXfRJYxDCwJ8 VTVeHZmkAP17 A92VVuK3wBQd A7dyjvXrrJXH 5zFtYjKWVYH9 VShHb...
二甲醚与甲醇混合物热物性参数和输运性质参数计算结果 物质状态: 摩尔质量= 温度= 压力= 密度= 比容= 比焓= 比熵= 内能= 摩尔体积成分= 蒸汽压,沸点/露点,汽化潜热为饱和状态物性,只需输入一个参数即可查询!解决“未定义” 蒸汽压= 沸点(露点)= 汽化潜热= 定压比热Cp= 定容比热Cv=...
2. Usability, HCI and Human Factors in Wearable Computing Human factors issues with and ergonomics of body worn computing systems User modeling, user evaluation, usability engineering of wearable systems Systems and designs for combining wearable and pervasive/ubiquitous computing Interfaces, including hand...
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