准备入手一个,刚在3Dmark上看2080评分还不及1080ti,听说开启光线追踪会大幅降低性能,想问问已经入手的大佬们,2080不开启光线追踪的情况下性能在1080ti的哪个档次? 我姓你名忘 替换网卡 11 不清楚 Mymm 初试拆机 6 reddit上泄露的alienware a51m跑分,追平了桌面2080,但是还有待考证 203市 更换显卡 12 fse...
1080Ti就搞定最新SOTA模型?一个普通研究生勇敢发毕业论文引起热议 新智元报道 来源:Reddit 编辑:好困 【新智元导读】除了在顶会或者期刊上发表过的,一般人基本都会把自己的毕业论文「雪藏」起来。然而,有这么一位研究生不仅把自己的论文发了出来,还表示自己用1080Ti训练的比SOTA模型更厉害。 大厂用成千上万张显卡训...
As I’ll get to in my benchmarks, some modern games still stress 8GB of VRAM, as we’ve seen with more expensive GPUs like the RTX 4060 Ti. As mentioned, AMD and Nvidia don’t have a GPU this generation that directly competes with the A580, but there’s one older GPU available ...
AMD's relentless focus on 1080p (and rasterized 1080p at that) made us curious as to whether the 6600 XT would show any evidence of memory bottlenecking when compared with the 6700 XT. Since we don't have an RTX 3060 Ti, we've opted to focus on rasterization and ray tracing performan...
Based on those results, there is almost no case to be made for saying the RTX 3060 Ti is universally faster at 1440p. I'm not saying there are NO games where it would be faster, but in general, the 4060 Ti is clearly going to win out at 1440p in any test suite that'...