108 Names of Ganesha In Hindu mythology, Lord Ganesh is the son of Lord Shiva and the Divine Mother Parvati, the husband of Bharati, Riddhi and Siddhi. Ganesh removes all obstacles and ensures success in human endeavors. He is an archetype of Wisdom and Beneficence... Read the rest of ...
Vighnaraja: Lord of all hindrances Vighnarajendra: Lord of all obstacles Vighnavinashanaya: Destroyer of all obstacles and impediments Vigneshwara: Lord of all obstacles Vikat: Huge and gigantic Vinayaka: Lord of all Vishwamukha: Master of the universe Vishwaraja: King of the world Yagnakaya: ...
108 Names of Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati, Lord Aiyappa, Lord Anjaneya, Lord Ganesha, Lord Krishna, Lord Murugan, Lord Shiva, Lord Venkateswara, Lord Vishnu and Different Names of Allah, Prophet Mohammed (SAW)
108 Names of Lord Shiva S No Lord Shiva Name Meaning 1 Aashutosh One who fulfills wishes instantly 2 Aja Unborn 3 Akshayaguna God with limitless attributes 4 Anagha Without any fault 5 Anantadrishti Of infinite vision 6 Augadh One who revels all the time ...