1 ESG (Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion), University of Quebec at Montreal, 315 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal, QC H2X 3X2, Canada 2 Marketing Department, ESG (Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion), University of Quebec at Montreal, 315 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal, QC H2X 3X2,...
Tyheaerreoffoprueb, ltihciastiponap. er focuses on presenting the most current solutions (scrGeoenzinalgezw-Firtahncthoeetpahl.r[a3s8e] i"mApRlemtreaninteidnga minixmedanreuafliatcyt(uMriRn)gserteuspeawricth"s)e.e-through They are presentceadmbeyrayseaatrtaocfhpedubtolicaahtieoand.-...
given landscape, and NLHCFGMIN/NLHCBGMIN is a normalized LHC for the foreground/background class of a landscape with the same proportion of foreground but maximum foreground aggregation (i.e., minimumSufsrtaaignambilietyn2t0a18t,i1o0,nx)F.OR PEER REVIEW 13 of 24 Figure A1F.iguSruemAm1...