This topic describes how to handleERROR 1050, where a table to be created already exists in the MySQL mode of OceanBase Database. Symptom When you create a table namedstudent, an error is reported, indicating that the table already exists. obclient> CREATE TABLE student( id int , name varc...
obclient>SHOWTABLES;+---+|Tables_in_test|+---+|student|+---+1rowinset 如果存在重名的表,您可以将已存在的表重命名后再重新创建表。 例如,将原student表改为t_stu表。 obclient>ALTERTABLEstudentRENAMETOt_stu;Query OK,0rowsaffected 说明 如果经确认该表确实不需要了,也可以使用DROP TABLE语句将...
obclient> CREATE TABLE student( id int , name varchar(18), sex char(1), age int, address varchar(200), email varchar(100), date date, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 'student' already exists 该报错信息对应的错误码信息如下: 错误码:ERROR 1050 OceanBase 错误码:5020 ...
Laravel Version: 5.5.3 PHP Version: 7.1 Database Driver & Version: MariaDB 10.1.26 Description: php artisan migrate [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'users' already exist...
1. 创建表,提示已经存在 [root@node1]# hbase shell 2017-04-07 14:13:46,230 WARN [main] util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SL ...
Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: Last_Errno:1050Last_Error: Error'Table'fudao_student_lable'already exists'onquery.Defaultdatabase:'test'. Query:'CREATE TABLE `fudao_student_lable` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT'学员id', ...
Table 1-6 Available PCIe slots Processor modules x16 Gen5 or four slots (CAPI-capable) x8 Gen4 slots x8 Gen5 slots 2-socket 2 3 2 3-socket or 4-socket 6 3 2 Notes: The PCIe Genx8 slot, C1, is reserved for an Ethernet adapter to help ensure proper manufacture and test of the ...
Referring to Table 8-9 of the RT1050 manual, I could see that BOOT_CFG2[2:0] (i.e. BOOT_CFG[10:8]) needed to be "111" for "QSPI device supports 3B read by default (on secondary pinmux option)", not "010" for "HyperFlash 1.8V". So I set the DIP switches to "0000 0011...
Referring to Table 8-9 of the RT1050 manual, I could see that BOOT_CFG2[2:0] (i.e. BOOT_CFG[10:8]) needed to be "111" for "QSPI device supports 3B read by default (on secondary pinmux option)", not "010" for "HyperFlash 1.8V". So I set the DIP switches t...
obclient>SHOWTABLES;+---+|Tables_in_test|+---+|student|+---+1rowinset 如果存在重名的表,您可以将已存在的表重命名后再重新创建表。 例如,将原student表改为t_stu表。 obclient>ALTERTABLEstudentRENAMETOt_stu;Query OK,0rowsaffected 说明 如果经确认该表确实不需要了,也可以使用DROP TABLE语句将...