I received... The next expression is I received, I received. So received has really the same meaning as got but received is more formal. 下一个表达是 I received。received的意思和got是一样的,但received更正式。 So we use received, the past tense form of receive, for more polite situations...
But in order to correctly express the meaning we need to make sure the spelling is correct too. 但为了正确表达意思,我们还需要确保拼写正确。 It's, its. The next one, the next mistake that many native speakers make is a punctuation mistake usually. The difference here is between it's with...
So before an adjective or before a verb to slightly enhance, to slightly emphasize the meaning of the word following really. 在形容词或动词前使用really可以稍微强调really后面的词的含义。 So I really like pizza or it's really hot in here, for example. Or I really hope you had fun today....
Other foods, however, we use bland to create a negative connotation, to create negative meaning. 然而,我们用“淡而无味”来表达其他食物的负面含义。 If a food that should have a lot of flavor does not have a lot of flavor, we can say that's bland, that's really bland. 如果一种食物应...
co-worker for the first time, when we see a classmate for the first time, we ask, “How are you?” meaning what's your condition right now? “It's been a long time. How are you?” “It's been a long time. How are you?” ...
The Dappermarkt is a large street market in the working class Amsterdam Oost (east Amsterdam) district with around 250 stalls. It has a lively atmosphere with many multicultural sellers including those from the well established Turkish, Moroccan and Suriname communities. Prices for goods are on the...
A 'worldy' is another term a goal that is considered to be of world-class quality. Worldies tend to be long-range shots, but they can also be difficult manoevres such as bicycle kicks. Example:"Wayne Rooney has curled in a worldy from 35 yards. Sensational goal." ...
Hi EnglishClass101.com Team. Could you explain me a little more about this> "Present" with a stress on the first syllable is the noun meaning "gift. I got it but the second meaning is confuse for me, Does relate whit tense simple present ?
Do you want to know how to write your name in Chinese? We’ll be honest with you—one of the questions we get asked the most on ChineseClass101 is on — yes, you guessed it — names. The most frequently asked questions include: ...
something will be taken away (Water will shut off, if you hadn�t paid for your water bill). If you refuse to stand up to that person, then he or she will continue to give you trouble. If you decide to not do your homework, then you fail the assignment (or fail the class, if...