void spi2_init(void){ /* 使能SPI2的硬件时钟 */ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2,...
Thanks for the support, i found some log about the error . The file is in FWUpdateLodDir folder. About DCM 1.4 installation. 2015-7-16 10:19:59:37 void __thiscall CUpdateFW::Init(void (__stdcall *)(int,int)) Entered 2015-7-16 10:19:59:37 void __thiscall CUpd...
I got this error with widget test, because some widgets needs read data from local DB. After I add the code: sqfliteFfiInit(); databaseFactory = databaseFactoryFfi; then I got the warnings for each test: *** sqflite warning *** You are changing sqflite default factory. Be aware of...
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999
I followed React Native's instructions exactly and didn't make any other modifications to the code. On Android, it works fine. I get the following error in Xcode. Steps to reproduce npx react-native@0.72.8 init VersionTest --version 0.72.8 --npm cd VersionTest xde -b ios React Native...
rt_uint8_t errorCode; rt_uint16_t checksum; }; typedef struct pms_device *pms_device_t; pms_device_t pms_init(const char *uart_name); rt_err_t frame_check(pms_device_t dev,rt_uint8_tbuf,rt_uint16_t len); rt_err_t pms_get_byte(pms_device_t dev, char data); ...
" "); $MicroPay_param = ['appid'=> "wxd678efh567hg6787", 'mch_id'=> $mch_id, 'nonce_str'=> $nonce_str, 'body'=> "check", 'out_trade_no'=> $out_trade_no_2nd, 'total_fee'=> "502", 'spbill_create_ip'=> "", 'auth_code'=> "120061098828009406"]; $MicroPay...
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient 方案1: [hadoop@cloud04 bin]$./hive [hadoop@cloud04 bin]$ more derby.log ...