Xena信雅纳厂商为汽车以太网提供专业的网络测试解决工具,公司于2020年中旬推出了其产品ODIN-1G-3S-6P-T1,其提供了原生的100/1000BASE-T1和10BASE-T1S接口(Molex HSAG),时隔半年,在这基础上推出了ODIN-1G-3S-T1-CU产品,丰富了测试接口。 ODIN-1G-3S-6P-T1图例 Odin-1G-3S-6P-T1-CU图例 ODIN-1G-3S-6P-T1...
(10BASE-T1S), 100Mbps (100BASE-T1), 1Gbps (1000BASE-T1) to 2.5/5/10Gbps (MultiGBASE-T1). The compliance software allows for complete or selective testing of any of the transmitter electrical specifications including complete Oscilloscope control of the require...
The Tektronix TekExpress Automotive Ethernet solution provides automated compliance test support for 10Base-T1S (IEEE P802.3cg), 100BASE-T1 (IEEE Std.802.3bw™) , 1000BASE-T1 (IEEE Std 802.3bp™-2016) and Multigigabit Ethernet MultiGBASE-T1(IEEE Std 80...
Tektronix TekExpress Automotive Ethernet solution provides automated compliance test support for 100Base-T1 (IEEE Std.802.3bw), 1000Base-T1 (IEEE Std 802.3bp™-2016) standard and Open Alliance TC8 ECU specification for PMA Transmitter electrical specifications tests...
The Tektronix TekExpress Automotive Ethernet solution provides automated compliance test support for 10Base-T1S (IEEE P802.3cg), 100BASE-T1 (IEEE Std.802.3bw™) , 1000BASE-T1 (IEEE Std 802.3bp™-2016) and Multigigabit Ethernet MultiGBASE-T1(IEEE Std 802...