10000 in words is written as Ten Thousand. Knowing how to spell numbers in words in English is important to avoid any confusion for you as well as the reader.
You are listening to 'Learn 10000 English words with Ava.' My name is Ava, and I am a language enthusiast. The purpose of this podcast is to help you understand and memorize over 10,000 English words and phrases in just 180 days to enhan...
10000 in Words - ten thousand. We write ten thousand as part of a sentence when counting objects. It is the cardinal number word of 10000.
and I am a language enthusiast who loves helping you expand your English vocabulary. The purpose of this podcast is to understand and memorize over 10,000 English words and phrases in 180 days, enhancing your English skills ...
The English language is a rich and diverse language that is constantly evolving and growing. With over 10000 words in its vocabulary, it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. The sheer number of words in the English language allows for a wide range of expression and comm...
Hello everyone, you are listening to 'Learn 10000 English words with Ava'. I'm Ava, your host and a language enthusiast. The purpose of this podcast is to help you understand and remember over 10,000 English words and phrases in 180 days, enhancing your English skills. This is a series...
格林法则10000英语单词 I apologize, but I cannot provide you with 10,000 English words in response to your query. However, I can provide you with a list of commonly used English words: 1. apple 2. banana 3. cat 4. dog 5. elephant 6. fish 7. green 8. happy 9. idea 10. jump 11...
中英双语对照图文稿Hello everyone, and welcome to ’Learn 10000 English words with Ava!’ I’m your host Ava, and I’m so excited to have you here with me today. My goal is to help you understand and remember more than 10,000 of the most useful words and phrases in English, so ...
Sydney 悉尼 New Zealand 新西兰 Wellington 惠灵顿 Auckland 奥克兰 Christchurch 基督城 Canada 加拿大 Vancouver 温哥华 Ottawa 渥太华 Toronto 多伦多 USA= the United States of America 美国 Washington 华盛顿 New York 纽约 Seattle 西雅图 Los Angeles 洛杉矶 ...