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US dollar bill— 美钞 也可见: dollar名— 美元名 · 一元名 us— 阿拉 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...] movements in the rates of exchange between ...
Convert 1000 Euro To Canadian DollarUpdated: 24/12/2024 03:55 UTCCurrency: CAD - Canadian Dollar EUR - EuroConversion Rate: 1 CAD = 0.66913 EUR 1 EUR = 1.49448 CADCountry: Canada European UnionFlag:Region: North America EuropeSub-Unit: 1 Dollar = 100 cents 1 Euro = 100 cents...
1000 (ARS) to Euro(EUR) 0.93764 1000 (ARS) to Pound Sterling(GBP) 0.7775 1000 (ARS) to Canadian Dollar(CAD) 1.40156 1000 (ARS) to Swiss Franc(CHF) 0.87733 1000 (ARS) to Chinese Yuan(CNY) 7.11655 1000 (ARS) to Japanese Yen(JPY) 153.44557 1000 (ARS) to Australian Dollar(AUD) 1.5637...
Conversion rates US Dollar / Chinese Yuan RMB 1 USD7,33265 CNY 5 USD36,66325 CNY 10 USD73,32650 CNY 20 USD146,65300 CNY 50 USD366,63250 CNY 100 USD733,26500 CNY 250 USD1.833,16250 CNY 500 USD3.666,32500 CNY 1000 USD7.332,65000 CNY ...
Convert amount-spellout.1000 CHF to CNY with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Swiss franc / Chinese yuan rmb rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
EMU A Challenge and Restrict to US Dollars; 欧元——挑战和制约美元 2. Trend of US Dollar during the Period of Financial Crisis 全球金融危机时期美元走势研究 3. However, it is still unknown that who will gain supremacy in the war between Euro and Dollar. 欧元这种新币种自诞生以来,普遍受...
In the period of 31 October 2023 to 20 September 2024, the S&P 500 was up 39%, India’s Sensex 33%, the NYSE Composite 32%, EURO STOXX 50 21% and the FTSE 100 by 13%. The Shanghai Composite was down 9.3%. During the same time frame, the US dollar appreciated against most majo...
constant dollarrateofUS$1 to €0.869. However, for the accounts (as per IPSAS),Eurodenominatedincomeandexpenditure will be recorded using the United Nations OperationalRateofExchange (UNORE). unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org 从预算角度来看,预算中以欧元发生的收入和支出将 在预算报告中以 1 美...
Convert amount-spellout.1000 CNY to SGD with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Chinese yuan rmb / Singapore dollar rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.