商丘市虞城县仓颉大道与木兰大道交叉路口往北约100米(金都国际)位于商丘市虞城县,靠近仓颉大道、木兰大道和S324。周边交通便捷,途径多条公交线路,包括虞城1路、虞城2路、303路、商丘城际公交班线[商丘-永城]等,公交站有县医院西门、新县医院西门、新城花园、锦城公园。 为了让您可以更好地了解商丘市虞城县仓颉大道与...
PURPOSE: To enhance the safety by controlling an output of the microwave by detecting a dangerous temperature area by a burn preventive temperature sensor for detecting a temperature of the part being different from a heating center position, and executing control so as to break away from the dan...