介绍了沪东中华造船集团公司开发的7 100 TEU超大型集装箱船线型优化试验研究结果,研究内容包括主尺度论证选定,线型优化设计,试验结果分析,设计桨航速预报,以及附加节能装置舵球的设计试验等。 著录项 来源 《交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所学报》|2005年第2期|128-133|共6页 ...
9月27日,大船集团中船(天津)船舶制造有限公司(简称“大船天津”)为地中海航运(MSC)建造的16000TEU集装箱船3号船提前合同期100天命名交付,该船也是华北地区建造的最大集装箱船。 天津市滨海新区区委副书记、区长单泽峰,MSC远东地区新造船经理YoungBo Lee,DNV船级社北方区总经理晏晓琳,中船贸易副总经理林峰,中国船舶...
自去年4月韩国海运巨头HMM(前现代商船)首艘世界最大集装箱船投入运营以来,HMM的12艘世界最大集装箱船累计运输量已经突破100万TEU。 据HMM在9月22日发布的数据,随着9月21日24000TEU级集装箱船“HMM Gdansk”号从中国盐田港满载出港,该公司12艘24000TEU级集装箱船从亚洲运往欧洲的去程(headhaul)货物总计已达1...
tank car watering car tank cla ifier tank co-driver tank container for li tank depot tank experimental res tank fermenter tank filler tank industrial tank n a container fo tank shut-off flap tankan business senti tankavaaran tankdefile tankdepot tankdetails tanker or tank vessel tanks and loose...
28 Mar 2022, 4:11 am Taiwan's Wan Hai Lines has placed an order for five 13,100TEU container vessels to be built by South Korean shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries. The five-vessel order follows an earlier order for 13 containerships of similar capacity placed by Wan ...
a) Post-Panamax container ship capacity:5,500 TEU,Both “TEU” AND “FEU” can be carried in all holds (2,588 TUE) and on deck(2,880 TEU),having 8(eight) cargo holds and 15(fifteen) hatches with service speed of over 25(twenty five) knots at a design draught of 12.5(twelve ...
Seaspan Takes Third 13,100-TEU Ship.This article reports on the delivery of a ship with a capacity of 13,100 20-foot-equivalent units to container ship owner-charterer Seaspan in 2011.EBSCO_bspJoC Online
1x40HQ container holds 25-28 tons. Certifications FAQ 1.What information is needed to get a quotaion ? CPG: 1.Size and Thickness and color 2.Packing reques 3.Purchase quantity2. How many colors you have? CPG: we have more than 100 existed col...
超100万TEU!宁波远洋运力全球排名与规模创新高 据国际航运咨询机构Alphaliner最新数据显示,5月份,宁波远洋在全球班轮公司运力百强榜中的排名晋升至第31位,较去年同期上升6位;同时,随着“江海之韵”轮于5月9日投入运营,公司总运力首次突破100万载重吨,运力排名与运力规模双双创下历史新高。