À l'approche des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, l'Alliance Française de Zhengzhou s'associe à la Ligue 1 Uber Eats pour organiser conjointement une exposition culturelle sur le championat de France de football. Lo...
活动流程 -料“时”如神:一旦倒计时开始,参与者需要尝试在屏幕显示100的时候按下抢答器,方能获胜,赢得精美的奖品。 Tout d'abord, nous aurons un jeu excitant pour tester votre rapidité. Les participants devront appuyer sur...
These are women who personify what it means to be powerful through the way they empower and champion others, influence change and stand up for all of us. And as Top 100 winners, they stand among more than 1,000 powerful leaders across Canada who share that honour… and our thanks. ...
Stefanos Ntouskos transmet la flamme et le rameau d’olivier à la nageuse française, championne olympique du 400m nage libre aux Jeux olympiques d'Athènes en 2004. 对于劳尔·马纳杜来说这是一个巨大的荣誉,而她的弟弟弗洛朗则希望成为开幕式上法国代表团的男旗手。 Un immense honneur pour Laure...
who you are.” Back then, she was clearly advising me who not to hang out with. But as I grew older, I found a deeper, more positive meaning in her counsel. You are defined by the colleagues you keep, your mentors and mentees, the networks you cultivate, and causes you champion. ...
Today in Science History - Quickie Quiz Who said: “Nature does nothing in vain when less will serve; for Nature is pleased with simplicity and affects not the pomp of superfluous causes.” Albert Einstein Benjamin Franklin Isaac Newton more quiz questions >> ...
After many unanswered questions, I understood that she was 2 13 . She saw me with my new friends and regretted that we longer shared the same experience. She saw all the fun I was having 2 14 her and wished she could be a part of it. She wished she could be in their 215 I ...
The twist of the film has long since been spoiled, but that doesn’t erase the power of the all-time horror image of Sadako crawling through the TV, or the devastating nature of the ending, which asks tough questions about what depths you’d sink to in order to save the people you ...
Most Taylor Lyric:“Pouring out my heart to a stranger / But I didn’t pour the whiskey” Fun Fact: When Simone Biles returned to the Tokyo Summer Olympics after a brief mental health break, Swift recorded a video salute to the gold-medal champion set to this song, saying: “When you...
1)Ils ont pris en charge un orphelin. (他们收养了一名孤儿。) 2) Le directeur adjoint d'école prend en charge le matériel d'enseignement. (学校副校长负责教学设备。) D 选项à sa décharge意为 "pour diminuer sa responsabilité ou sa faute, pour l'excuser(为……辩白,为…开脱)"。例如...