Las canchas lentas delSport Social Club de Villa María,Córdoba, se preparan para recibir al evento más importante del año organizado por la Asociación Argentina de Tenis.Un equipo de 100 personas -organizadores (20), cancheros y...
Individuals take on new personas for each new assignment. Premiered: February 13, 2009 Also ranks #7 on 12 TV Shows That Kept Going As Comics When They Were Cancelled Also ranks #23 on TV Shows That Actually Deserve A Revival Also ranks #25 on The 65+ Best Dystopian TV Series 5...
分享67赞 西班牙语吧 King_Francis #西班牙语资讯# # 【西语干货】全球最具影响力的100个人据美国《时代》杂志(revista Time),教皇方济各再次入选全球100位最有影响力的人(100 personas más influyentes del mundo. ),但是,他却成为了唯一入选的阿根廷人。去年入选的阿根廷人除了教皇方济各之外,还有阿根廷总统毛里...
Individuals take on new personas for each new assignment. Premiered: February 13, 2009 Also ranks #7 on 12 TV Shows That Kept Going As Comics When They Were Cancelled Also ranks #13 on 13 Alan Tudyk Roles That Showcase His Chameleon Talent Also ranks #23 on TV Shows That Actuall...
When enhancing the user interface (UI), user stories are instrumental in defining features that improve usability and user satisfaction, as well as cater to different personas such as designers, new users, gamers, and more. Here are three examples of user stories focused on UI: ...
“Algunas personas quieren que algo suceda, otras sueñan con que suceda, pero hay otras que lo hacen realidad”. — Michael Jordan, exjugador profesional de baloncesto y empresario estadounidense “Los verdaderos héroes están hechos de integridad”. — Hope Solo, estadounidense, exarquera de...
Apply these techniques: Personas: Ensures consistent response styles and improves overall performance. Multi-shot Prompting: Use example-based prompts for consistent model responses. Positive Guidance: Encourage desired behavior; avoid 'don'ts'. Clear Separation: Distinguish between instructions and context...
El certamen invita a todas las personas que vivan en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires a escribir relatos que tengan una extensión de un máximo de 100 palabras sobre la vida en esa localidad. En la siguiente etapa, comenzará la selección a cargo...
Another of director John Ford’s classic Westerns, this one stars John Wayne and James Stewart in a meditation on what makes a true hero. Both lead actors bring the full measure of their movie star personas as representations of the two sides of heroism. The film revolves around the politica...
Individuals take on new personas for each new assignment. Premiered: February 13, 2009 Also ranks #7 on 12 TV Shows That Kept Going As Comics When They Were Cancelled Also ranks #13 on 13 Alan Tudyk Roles That Showcase His Chameleon Talent Also ranks #23 on TV Shows That Actually...