ID??557654-12 HBM 1-C9B/20KN cognex In-Sight 5403, 1600x1200, 24VDC, IP67,RS232, Ethernet 40186 Wema S3115/12x12x100 Relay Micro Master(MR003 USB) R+W Antriebselemente GmbH BK5-40-84-22-32 联轴器 BRAUN D461.21-97002019 FRABA 5813-4096-FG00SL01KW 编码器 heidenhain MT-101K ,ID-Nr...
上:tositonthegrass坐在草地上 2.在(大型交通工具)上:tohavelunchonthetrain在火车上用午餐 3.身上带着;有:Haveyougotanymoneyonyou?你带着钱吗?4.在……时间:ontheeveningofMaythefirst在五月一日晚上 5.关于;论及:abookonShakespeare一本关于莎士比亚的书 6.朝;向:Ontheleftyoucans... [展开] 关注 ...
26、a I ndusty mang-ent trugg veicainandicceance of the m unicia gooerment, teCcuy rmooed Ba ck a nd odros Rier RVe se, g of rier e col ogial e stain eleCsGae of XX be au" goal my Ccu, "an Nong- and eVionment tee ae a number of kneses a nd gaps, hg high d In th...
kncw they Uilisl iiAe been tiLirJ-Aorkiny hi id platLneTs! f L WhM d口 i;i口绯 pcopk think wns StoncliciLsc bulk fem ?Ancient leaders trnidr it a temple t&conununjcaie with the pods.Ti midit be 吊 kind of calendar to tell people chc miuntniiDcC It unfwveniMd male people...
I dont kn ow what thi s is about, sh e answered , but the young lady 旦监匹担红尘归皿who ju st went by be gged me to wear the 区Q. ~on my coat. 6 她说如果你要谓我吃饭,我应该告诉你她在街对面的餐厅等你。她说这是个考验!” And she said if yo u were going to invite me ...