17. Franklin: The scientist who brought sky electricity to the ground. He was one of the three founding heroes of the United States of America and was ranked the 6th among the 100 figures influencing the United States by the authoritative American journal "The Atlantic Monthly". 富兰克林:把天...
Buffer instructions are divided into two groups: • MUBUF: Untyped buffer objects. ◦ Data format is specified in the resource constant. ◦ Load, store, atomic operations, with or without data format conversion. • MTBUF: Typed buffer objects. ◦ Data format is specified in the ...
5.华南地区主要是丘陵和海拔较低的山脉,而中东部地区则有沿着中国两大河流—长江和黄河形成的三角洲。 Southern China is dominated by hills and low mountain ranges, while the central-east hosts the deltas of China's two major rivers, the Yellow Riv...
When an E1-F interface works in framed mode, its 2 Mbit/s transmission line is divided into 32 timeslots (64 kbit/s in each timeslot). Timeslot 0 transmits frame alignment signals, and any of timeslots 1 to 31 can be bundled into a channel. The rate of an E1-F...
The RTC clock sources can be: • A 32.768 kHz external crystal (LSE) • An external resonator or oscillator (LSE) • The internal low power RC oscillator (LSI, with typical frequency of 32 kHz) • The high-speed external clock (HSE) divided by 32. The RTC is functional in VBAT...
main(){long int m9=9,sum=9;int zi,n1=1,c9=1;scanf("%d",&zi);while(n1!=0){if(!(sum%zi))n1=0;else{m9=m9*10;sum=sum+m9;c9++;}}printf("%ld,can be divided by %d \"9\"",sum,c9);} 【程序86】 题目:两个字符串连接程序 ...
divided into, adopted, determine, performed, loaded, downloaded, diluted, performed, obtained, amplified, fused with, cloned into, employed, construct, described, allow, governs, implemented, split into, carried out, harboring, generate, incorporate, anesthetized, decapitated; obtained, estimated, evalu...
The world is divided into two parts. One half of the world is rich and the other is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people have never got enough to eat. When they are ill, 61 of the hospitals can accept them because they have no money. In the rich part, a lot of p...
"Fifty-fifty" means something is divided equally -- 50% for one party, 50% for the other party. 🌰举个例子 My business partner and I split everything fifty-fifty. 我的生意伙伴和我平分所有的一切。 8 from the ground up 从...
An LSP is divided into multiple CTs to transmit traffic of different CoS values. VoIP and HSI services on the links Router_1 -> Router_4 and Router_2 -> Router_4 are transmitted by different CTs of the same MPLS TE tunnel so that voice flows occupy a proper bandwidth percentage, as ...