(5) 95;Twenty minus one times five equals ninety-five。 (6) 40;Eighty divided by four times two equals forty。 答案(1) 68; Eighty minus two times six equals sixty-eight. (2) 15; Sixty divided by four equals fifteen. (3) 105; Seven times fifteen equals one hundred...
英文读法:Eighty minus two times six equals sixty-eight.(2)60÷4:直接进行除法运算,60÷4=15。英文读法:Sixty divided by four equals fifteen.(3)7×15:直接计算乘法,7×15=105。英文读法:Seven times fifteen equals one hundred and five.(4)100-30:直接进行减法运算,100-30=70。英文读法...
but it increases at a rising speed. For zeros, a good rule of thumb is that convexity equals the square of duration (divided by 100).[3]Convexity also increases with the dispersion of cash flows. A barbell portfolio of a short-term zero and...
Copy 12.5 This answer is: 👍👎 Add a Comment Michael Meyer∙ Lvl2 ∙3yago Copy Anonymous∙ Lvl1 ∙4yago Copy Anonymous∙ Lvl1 ∙4yago Copy Anonymous∙ Lvl1 ∙4yago Copy Add your answer: Earn +20pts Q:100 divided by 8 equals what?
Three hundred and twenty-six multiplied by two hundred and thirty-eight equals seventy-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-eight. 4)除法:小数目的除法:用divided by代表“÷”,equals代表“=”。 “被除数+ divided by +除数+ equals +商”;“除数+ into +被除数+ goes +商” ...
One hundred million divided by ten thousand equals( ).A.10B.100C.1000D.10000 答案 D 结果二 题目 【题目】One hundred million divided by ten thousand equals()A.10B.100C.1000D.10000 答案 【解析】D 相关推荐 1One hundred million divided by ten thousand equals( ).A.10B.100C.1000D.10000 ...
ThresholdOpType_LE = 4; //The actual value in the data sent is less than or equals to the configured data threshold. } ThresholdOpType thresholdOpType = 2; //Threshold on the device. } A service data file describes the detailed service data formats. For details, see NE5000E V800R024...
One hundred million divided by ten thousand equals( ).A.10B.100C.1000D.10000 答案 D 结果二 题目 【题目】One hundred million divided by ten thousand equals()A.10B.100C.1000D.10000 答案 【解析】D 结果三 题目 One hundred million divided by ten thousand equals( ).A.10B.100C.1000D.10000...
aXiaoping's grandfather's age minus 15,then is divided by 4, then minus 6,then multiplied by 10 equals 100,his age plus 1 is 4 times larger than Xiaoping's age plus 2 .How old is Xiaoping? 小平的祖父的年龄减15,然后被划分由4,然后减6,然后乘以10均等100,他的年龄加上1大于小平的年龄...
93) 30×270= 94) 123×3= 95) 100+15= 97) 7200+900= 98) 410-201= 99) 280×3= 18 multiplied by 4 equals 72. 50 multiplied by 70 equals 3500. 9100 divided by 7 equals 1300. 110 multiplied by 60 equals 6600. XXX divided by 40 equals 9. 200 multiplied by 30 equals 6000. 15...