《100%鲜橙汁!》(100% Orange Juice!)是一个由橙汁社开发、水果蝙蝠工厂发行的同人游戏,集合了橙汁社其他作品的众多角色。玩家可以扮演角色使用骰子和卡牌击败由电脑(CPU)或其他玩家扮演的角色,收集星星(Stars)和击破数(Wins)来完成目标(Norma),最先完成5个目标的玩家就会获得游戏的胜利。
名称:100% Orange Juice 类型:独立,策略 开发商:Orange_Juice 发行商:Fruitbat Factory 系列:Orange Juice 发行日期:2013 年 9 月 10 日 访问网站X YouTube Bluesky Discord 查看手册查看手册查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论访问创意工坊查找社区组 嵌入 ...
新英文Wiki站:100% Orange Juice Wiki地图列表Steam新闻 Versioned Hotfix Now Live! -Updated SDL version used by the game to SDL 3 to increase stability and performance.-Made changes to ensure windowing and input work as intended.-(Known issue: scroll bars on macOS currently require the use of ...
100% Orange Juice is a goal-oriented boardgame played by OrangeJuice's all-star cast including characters from Acceleration of Suguri, Flying Red Barrel: A Diary of Little Aviator, Sora, and QP Shooting. This is a world where dogs, people and machines fly through the air. In that world...
购买100% Orange Juice - Game of the Year Every Year Edition捆绑包(?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 10 个项目立省 53%! 捆绑包信息 -53% 您的价格: ¥ 74.26 添加至购物车 关于此内容 100% 鲜橙汁 - Saki 与 Kyousuke 角色包增加了两名全新的来自开发组“橙汁”的游戏中的全语音可玩角色:纱季与京介。
Score GamersGate score 4.00 based on 64 ratings About this game Let Marie Poppo lead you into a mysterious world to play! 100% Orange Juice is a goal-oriented board game played by Orange_Juice's all-star cast. The cast including characters from Acceleration of Suguri, Flying Red Barrel: A...
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Your 100% Orange Juice 4-Pack contains a single master Steam PC key and the ability to gift three keys to friends through Steam. Get a taste of anime...
游戏名称:100% 鲜橙汁 英文名称:100 Percent Orange Juice 游戏类型:益智类(PUZ)游戏 游戏制作:...
[打开游戏,有个Game Options界面,按个人喜好设置,点Play进入游戏]点击New Game,选择一个空位,输入玩家的名字(最长10个字母)。这时候有四个初始人物可供选择:QP、Suguri、Marc、Kai选择喜欢的角色,我们就来到了菜单界面:*自由模式(FREE PLAY):可以自己主办游戏、加入游戏或者单人游戏。[注:单人模式下按住Ctrl可以...