Directions: There are 10 sentences in this part. Each sentence has 4 underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. You are required to identify the incorrect part, and then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the Answer Sheet. (2×10) ...
Changethefollowingsentencesintopassive:1.Williamcookedthefoodyesterday. ThefoodwascookedbyWilliamyeaterday.2.Afriendofmyfather’sisrepairingtheinstrument. Theinstrumentisbeingrepairedbyafriendofmyfather’s. 新概念英语第二册lesson10 3.Wekeepourclavichordinourlivingroom. Theclavichordiskeptinourlivingroom.4.A...
7. The Passive Voice. In the passive voice, the subject receives the action rather than performs it. The Verb is usually followed by "by" and the agent performing the action. Example: "The song wassung beautifully by her." 8. The Imperative Sentence. Imperative sentences are used to give...
④Ask the students to find the sentences in the passive voice. ⑤Simply explain the passive voice. ⑥Ask students to read the conversation in pairs. ★Step 3Homework 1.Read aloud and practice the conversation in 2d. 2.What is your hometown famous for?Make a conversation to talk about the...
And yet, they are perfectly acceptable ways to start sentences. So why do we all think that "so why do we all think that" is an unacceptable starter for a sentence? Linguist Arnold Zwicky posits an interesting theory. He says that because many freshly minted English speakers (children) ...
Translation of passive voice sentencesNeg人们相信,越来越多的工程人员宁愿用合成材料而不用天然材料是很自然的。译成无主语句Attention has been paid to the new measures to prevent corrosion.已经注意到采取防腐新措施。Account should be taken of the low melting point of this substance.应该考虑到这种物质...
Change the sentences into the passive voice. 1. Nothing was taken to me. 2. 3,000 ideas were received. 3. Zeng Liansong’s flag was chosen. 4. His dog will be taken back by John. 5. More trees will be planted and new road will be built by the people of Beijing. 6. The ...
广义的任务:所有课内外学习活动都是学习任务,比如:1-Role-playadialogueinthetextbook 2-Readapassageandanswerquestions3-Doasurveytofindoutthefavoritefoods4-Changesentencesintopassivevoice5-Writeaboutyourfavouritesport6-Replytoanemailmessage7-Fillinthegapswithsuitablewords8-Listentoinstructionsanddrawapicture9-...
Try to use active voice to make the sentences more dynamic, direct, and clear. Limit the use of passive voice to cases where it is absolutely necessary. Overuse of passive constructions can make sentences vague or cumbersome, thus reducing readability. ...