Is the finger print correct?(Y/N):y # Obtain the local certificates from the certificate distribution server. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] pki retrieve-certificate domain aaa local # Obtain the certificate of the peer entity en1 from the certificate distribution server. <Sysname> system-view...
Is the finger print correct?(Y/N):y [Sysname] #向PKI域bbb中导入CA证书,证书文件格式为PEM编码,证书文件名称为aca_pem.cer,证书文件中不包含根证书。 <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] pki import domain bbb pem ca filename aca_pem.cer [Sysname] #向PKI域bbb中导入本地证书,证书文件格式为PKCS#12...
Do practice before the test. Stay aware of the right body act. Spot your finger precisely on the control centre. Do whatever it takes not to focus on goofs. Examine the text eagerly as you do the forming. What is the 10 finger system? The 10 finger procedure is a very settled techniqu...
Multitasking lets you quickly switch from one app to another at any time through a multitasking interface on an iOS device, or by using a multifinger gesture on an iPad. On iPad, multitasking also lets you use two apps at once in Slide Over, Split View, or Picture in Picture mode. Slid...
Incredible versatility to delight your customers Engage customers wherever they are with a device that seamlessly goes from countertop system to sleek and light tablet (starts at just 1.6 lbs2), and embeds key accessories directly into the tablet—barcode scanner, finger print reader, and more1. ...
finger.exe 查询用户信息的命令行工具,通常用于 Unix/Linux 系统。 fixmapi.exe 修复MAPI 配置文件的工具,用于 Microsoft Outlook。 fltMC.exe 文件系统过滤管理工具,用于管理驱动程序过滤器。 fodhelper.exe 启动"功能按需" 特性,处理用户安装功能的工具。 Fondue.exe 处理和管理 Microsoft Office 的应用程序。 fontdrv...
Press and hold your finger with some pressure before you start to drag. While dragging, don't release your finger until you have reached the target position. Flick Flicking the screen is similar to swiping, except that you need to swipe your finger in light, quicker strokes, such as when ...
1.4. SSH, System Info & Network Operations sshwhoamipasswdquotadatecaluptimewfingeruname mandfdulastpskillkillalltopbgfg pingwhoisdigwgetscp a.ssh ssh (SSH client) 是一个用来在登录到远程机器并执行的命令的程序。 ssh user@host 此命令还接受-p可用于连接到特定端口的选项。
private void testFingerPrint() { FingerprintManager fingerprintManager = (FingerprintManager) getSystemService(Context.FINGERPRINT_SERVICE); try { Class clz = Class.forName("android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager"); Method method = clz.getDeclaredMethod("getEnrolledFingerprints", new Class[]{})...
A maximum of three fingerprints from different fingers can be recorded. The fingerprint information is used only for configuring the access control function and is not used for other purposes. The fingerprint information is encrypted during transmission in the ECC800-Pro to ensure that the personal...