I bought an Atomos Ninja external recorder after reading a good deal on the internet, and watching a ton of YouTube videos that tell why 10-bit color depth is superior to 8-bit, how it makes a huge difference during color grading, etc. In theory, 10-bit gives each pixel the ability ...
通常 8bit相当于256级灰阶——即常说得24位真彩色;而10bit就相当于1024级灰阶。三基色混合成彩色,增加1 bit就意味色彩数增加8倍。10bit就相当于1024的三次方——1073741824,约为10.7亿色。远大于8bit的1670万色。
Color depth is also known as bit depth, and is the number of bits used to display the color of a single pixel. The same images or video frames with different color depth look differently because number of colors in each pixel varies depending on color depth value. The number of bits for...
About that 8bit or 10bit color depth. What is the main reason for you to buy the monitor? Gaming? Photo/video editing? If it is gaming only, simply go for the cheaper one without much thinking. If it is for photo/video editing, go for the 10bit variant. The 10 bit variant is ...
So I have an LG 27GN950-b and an RTX 3080. My monitor can do 10 bit color, but by default windows shows it at 8 bit (I have monitor at 4k 144hz DP 1.4 DSC). I can go into the NVIDIA control panel->Change Resolution-> and switch from "Use default color se
色彩深度 (Color Depth) 色彩深度的單位是 bit。常見的色彩深度有 8bit、10bit,簡單的理解就是數字越大,能夠表現的顏色越多,即色彩越豐富的意思。 8bit vs. 10bit 色彩深度與顏色總量 各位應該都學過色彩三原色是紅 (Red)、綠 (Green)、藍 (Blue),對電腦來說無法識別顏色,只能透過 0 和 1 二進位數字來...
A decent test would be to shoot a scene in as high quality as you can, like uncompressed raw, and then export a 10 bit and 8 bit version with roughly matching codec and size from that Raw master, and compare those results. If you really want to isolate 10 vs 8 bit, export uncompres...
Also known as “bit depth”, it describes the number of potential values that the encoding of color information in a video signal can have. Historically,Blu Ray has been 8 bit, which means 256 possible values for red, green and blue. ...
Bit depth is unrelated to colour subsampling, but yes, 10 bit images have 1024 possible values per channel, whereas 8 bit images have 256. P Thanks for clearing that up :) While I have you here, I also have a few more about SDI and HDMI. ...
Re: 10bit 4:2:2 (pocket) vs 8bit 4:2:0 (5D3) Not Much Differ Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:27 am There is more to it than the bit depth. The computer display is in a different color space than a reference monitor fed by a capture or output card. You can then properly calibrate that...