近日,CNN Travel发布了一份世界美食排行榜(10 best cuisines in the world),引发了全球网友的关注和热议。 美国第10,中国第2,第1名竟然是这个国家! 一篇文章,带你吃遍全球美食!Let's go! 美国 UNITED STATES TOP 10 Many of th...
China's regional cuisines are so varied it's hard to believe they're from the same nation. It's not a food culture you can easily summarize, except to say you'll invariably want seconds. 中国各个地区的菜肴种类太繁多了,以至于很难相信...
文章表示,中国人的创业精神以及对极致节俭的欣赏孕育出全世界最勇敢的食者群落之一(one of the bravest tribes of eaters in the world)。 China's regional cuisines are so varied it's hard to believe they're from the same nation. It's not a food culture you can easily summarize, except to say...
文章表示,中国人的创业精神以及对极致节俭的欣赏孕育出全世界最勇敢的食者群落之一(one of the bravest tribes of eaters in the world)。 China's regional cuisines are so varied it's hard to believe they're from the same nation. It's not a food culture you can easily summarize, except to say...
文章表示,中国人的创业精神以及对极致节俭的欣赏孕育出全世界最勇敢的食者群落之一(one of the bravest tribes of eaters in the world)。 文章还写道,中国饮食文化多元,以至于你甚至不相信他们来自同一国度: China's regional cuisines are so varied it's hard to believe they're from the same nation. It'...
文章表示,中国人的创业精神以及对极致节俭的欣赏孕育出全世界最勇敢的食者群落之一(one of the bravest tribes of eaters in the world)。 文章还写道,中国饮食文化多元,以至于你甚至不相信他们来自同一国度: China's regional cuisines are so varied it's hard to believe they're from the same nation. It'...
文章表示,中国人的创业精神以及对极致节俭的欣赏孕育出全世界最勇敢的食者群落之一(one of the bravest tribes of eaters in the world)。 tribe:部落、族、宗族 文章还写道,中国饮食文化多元,以至于你甚至不相信他们来自同一国度: China‘s regional cuisines are so varied it’s hard to believe they‘re from...
文章表示,中国人的创业精神以及对极致节俭的欣赏孕育出全世界最勇敢的食者群落之一(one of the bravesttribesof eaters in the world)。 tribe:部落、族、宗族 文章还写道,中国饮食文化多元,以至于你甚至不相信他们来自同一国度: China's regionalcui...
Of course, it’s subjective according to personal tastes, but this is CNN Travel’s take on some of the best food cultures and destinations around the world. So, as you dream about where you’ll go next, which top 10 cuisines rule? 10. United States America knows how to take a ...
Of course, it’s subjective according to personal tastes, but this is CNN Travel’s take on some of the best food cultures and destinations around the world. So, as you dream about where you’ll go next, which top 10 cuisines rule? 10. United States America knows how to take a ...