Functionally, we generated mice with podocyte-specific METTL14 deletion, and identified METTL14 knockout in podocytes improved glomerular function and alleviated podocyte injury, characterized by activation of autophagy and inhibition of apoptosis and inflammation, in mice with ADR nephropathy. Similar to ...
inflammation is often a key factor in cancer development. As the head and neck area is prone to exposure to factors causing irritation and inflammation of the squamous epithelium, it might therefore be plausible that chronic inflammation also might be a major cause for the development of HNSCC6,...
We found that the levels of miR and m6A modification in the UUO model groups increased significantly, and as predicted, the SPRY1/ERK/NF﹌B pathway was activated by miR, confirming that miR plays an important role in obstructive renal fibrosis by enhancing inflammation. METTL3 was found to ...