Öyleyse sermayenin marjinal etkinliği ile sanayie yeni pazari'Or açılması arasında hiçbir ilişki bulunmamak- tadır. Keynes'in anlayışında bir ön-pazar zorunluluğu ke~sinlikle söz konusu değildir. (1) Keynes, General Theory, Fran. çev. 1949, ...
In 2022, the global energy and renewables market was valued at USD 2.018 Billion in 2022. It is estimated to reach USD 4.286 Billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.73% from 2023 to 2031. On the other hand, the oil and gas market was valued at USD 6.989 Billion in 2022. It is e...
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At this point, all reflections from the perturbations add in phase back to the source. This can createOanebaonf dthgeapdiifnficthueltike-sβ ednicaoguranmte;reidn wthhisilecadseestihgeniwngavae1d-DoespenroiotdpircoLpWagAateisinthtoe sthcaensttrhurcotuugreh abnrodaidsscidoem. pAltettehliys pr...
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