1⃣What is your daily study routine? 你每天的学习计划是什么? 2⃣Have you ever changed your routine? 你曾经改变过你的日常生活吗? 3⃣Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study? 你认为对你的学习来说,有一个日常生活习惯很重要吗? 4⃣What part of your day ...
1 What is your daily study routine? Basically,I tend to wake up early morning everyday even though I don't have class on the weekends.It's just mybiorhythm.So fromMonday toFriday,I am busy with school stuff but onSaturday andSunday,it wouldbefor my leisure time. ...
Daily routine 1.What is your daily study routine? 你的日常学习安排是怎样的? In the morning, I usually finish those easy tasks. It’s mainly because I can motivatemyself to finish all the tasks if I can finish something at first. In the afternoon, Ioften study those subjects that need ...
4.Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you do in the past? 5.Do you spend your evenings doing the same things on both weekends and weekdays? Why? Computers 1.In what conditions would you use a computer? 2.When was the first time you used a comp...
1.What is your daily study routine? 2.Have you ever changed your routine? 3.Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study? 4.What part of your day do you like best? Sample Answer 1.I am a procrastinator, so ...
1. What is your daily study routine? Well, since I am an evening person, I often wake up late in the morning. So for most of the weekdays, my routine would be heading off to lecture hall while munching my breakfast along the way and suffering sleepiness until afternoon. And on weekends...
Is it very interesting? 有不有意思? What subject(s) are you studying? 你目前在学习哪些科目? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? 你喜欢在早上还是下午学习? Are you looking forward to working? 你期待工作吗? Do you like your subject? (why/why not?) 你喜欢你的科目...
2.What do you usually do on weekends? Do you study or work? 3.What did you do last weekend? 4.Do you make plans for your weekends? Relax 1.What would you do to relax? 2.Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
Is technology important in your life? Is there any technology you don’t like? What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young? 12Weather Whats the weather like where you live? Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
1)Whatisyourdailystudyroutine? 10 2)Haveyoueverchangedyourroutine? 3)Doyouthinkitisimportanttohaveadailyroutineforyourstudy? 4)Whatpartofyourdaydoyoulikebest? MEDIA 1.SocialMedia 1)Doyouoryourfriendslikeusingsocialmedia? 2)Doyouthinkyouoryourfriendsusetoomuchsocialmedia?