and untamed wilderness.Attracted by the mystique,many tourists flocked to this once relatively unknown destination during the holiday.What was once a thinly58 (populate)“forbidden zone"quickly turned into a crowded“tourist spot".Contrary to 59 what some may think, the Ailao Mountains are a vast...
what 60. Stretching 61. drops 62. to change 63. tragically 64. whom 65. into 云南哀牢山在最近的国庆假期期间,因其神秘的景色在网络上爆红。一位探险家独自进入哀牢山拍摄的视频,展现了山峰云雾缭绕、水流清澈、原始森林的景象,吸引了许多游客前往。原本人烟稀少的“禁区”迅速变成了人潮涌动的“旅游景点...
whether being eroded or exposed as a buried land surface, is derived from what was originally terrestrial occupation. Its current location in the coastal zone is the product of later unrelated processes, and it can tell us
It is well known that aero(航空的) sports have been popular in the US,New Zealand and other countries for years.China’s Hainan is famous for its natural 1.___ (beautiful) of endless sea,and golden beaches.2.___ a warm climate and over 300 sunny days each year also provide favorable...
Time Zone and Weather: Macau follows China Standard Time (CST), which is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8). In terms of weather, Macau experiences a subtropical climate with distinct seasons. Spring and autumn are generally mild and pleasant, while summers are hot and hu...
Current weather in 1°28'59.5"N, 52°08'08.8"W and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days
More weather in Malaysia Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六 2 3 View historic weather 4 34 / 24 °C 5 31 / 24 °C 6 33 / 24 °C 7 30 / 25 °C 8 33 / 24 °C 9 32 / 24 °C
3)SkyTowerisAuckland’stallestTower.T 4)MaoriswerethefirstpeopleofNewZealand.T 5)TheclimateinAucklandiswetandrainy.F 6)It’stheparadise(天堂)forwaterlovers.T 2.Readthetextandcompletethetablebelow.PopulationLocation lessthanamillionOnNorthIsland History Maorissettled650yearsagoEuropeansettlementbeganin...
In boxes 1- 6 on your answer sheet, write TRUEif the statement agrees with the view of the writer FALSE if the statement contradicts the view of the writer NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 1...