A2 Food Court1.22公里 ASTON INN1.17公里 Shaburi & Kintan Buffet1.08公里 Sushi Tei1.21公里 Utama 98 Food Court1.03公里 Ikan Bakar ACIA444 米 Kopi Awaak512 米 Burger King553 米 Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall427 米 Nagoya Citywalk191 米 Ramayana Marina393 米 ...
Yummy Taiwan aims to introduce consumers to many of Taiwan’s most popular food products, with ample opportunities for free sampling. Dive into the delectable world of one-bite peanut brittle by Lung-Ching, power-up sports drink (powder) from Wellness Concept, spicy chili sauce from Hsiang Gi,...
Fast Food Restaurant2.32公里 Mie klenger2.57公里 KFC3.86公里 Teras Japan Sepinggan3.64公里 BlueSky Mantau3.91公里 Manggar sari2.79公里 COFFEE RUMAH HIJAU2.74公里 Meat N Fresh Sepinggan3.11公里 Toko Rizky696 米 Toko Merah PJHI1.4公里 VAN JAVA SABLON1.94公里 Toko Udah2.97公里 Mitra Utama2.94公里 Amp...
stay, it is: • 1 Lift ride to 7-Eleven, Bila-Bila Mart, Food court & Laundromat • 5 minutes walk away to Shops & Restaurants (i.e. Japanese, Thai & Breakfast restaurants) • 5 minutes drive to 1 Utama/ Bandar Utama MRT Station •...
Tempat tidur utama Lemari Sofabed Dispenser+Aqua Alat-alat masak & alat-alat makan Facility: 24-hour security, CCTV, pool, taman air, La Plaza, mini market, ATM center, parkir basement 3 lantai, food court / kios, garden, mosque
借Hamilton亚洲首演冲新加坡~ntn北京飞新加坡的航班少得可怜!又贵!为了省钱买的5.1出发的票,到酒店已经半夜了。ntn除上述有关机票的规划外,本P人做不了一点攻略,直接随机游览!🤪🤪🤪ntn🇸🇬Day 1n上午:n前一天到太晚了所以睡了懒觉嘿嘿。ntn🌞中午:n在酒店附近food court吃海南鸡饭。到店排队十几米...
在位于哥打白沙罗的1卧室公寓-400平方米|带1个独立浴室入住期间,您可以在清晨或傍晚前往Downcourt、SS4C/8 Park和SS 24 Gated Park等周边的公园散散步。 客人通常在位于哥打白沙罗的1卧室公寓-400平方米|带1个独立浴室住几晚? 从过往数据来看,客人平均在位于哥打白沙罗的1卧室公寓-400平方米|带1个独...
I am very excited to be your host. My hobby is deco my own house and travelling.. i love to explore the taste of new food and enjoy eating as well. Self proclaimed foodie. I would help you to find a local food that you must try when you stay in Kuantan. It would be my plea...
Tempat tidur utama & anak Lemari Sofabed Dispenser+Aqua Alat-alat masak & alat-alat makan Facility: 24-hour security, CCTV, pool, taman air, La Plaza, mini market, ATM center, parkir basement 3 lantai, food court / kios, garden, mosque ...
t unbrekable t unendlich t until death came t unutama benİ t vagina dentata t vediamo come viene t venus soul-trap t versus t vida em sÃo paulo t vivavo t voices from hell t volar hacia abajo t volere e volare t waiting room t waleran t walk the dawg t walking on the sun...