台币的英文缩写是NT$和NTD,两者均用于表示新台币(New Taiwan Dollar)。其中,NT$更常见于本地日常交易场景,而NTD
可兑换(黄金)纸币 convertible money 人民币 Chinese Yuan (CNY) or RMB台币 NTD 港币Hong Kong dollar 澳元 Australian dollar 英镑British pound 欧元 Euro 美元American dollar 加元 Canadian dollar 瑞士法郎 Swiss Franc 日元 Japanese Yen 瑞典币 Swedish Kroner At the Post Office 在邮局 1. I will like to...
2 or more people $280 NT dollar/person Green Island Wildlife Tour 2 in 1-A Share in FB Share in Weibo Add to my favorite Consult activity Hermit crabs are native to Green island, and they were the common memory of local people. However, more and more visitors come to round-the-...
apoplexy , diabetes, or under other medical condition, like asthma (carry individual medicine along with), please inform us in advance, we will provide you appropriate advice, arrangement and care. If you don’t inform us and that results in any incident, we will not take any legal responsib...
(二) 答案呈现 1 my 7 their 2 on 8 at 3 to 9 comes 4 buy 10 carry/to carry 5 a 习题链接 (三) 6 interesting 1 from 7 have 2 subjects 8 friends 3 but 9 are 4 why 10 but 5 relaxing 答案呈现 6 playing 7 well 8 finishes 9 us 10 What/How 词汇语法 一、...
After13thisstory,thebusinessmanstoppedforawhile.Thenhesaid,“Ladiesandgentlemen,itwasthatkindwomanwhoplantedthefirstseedofkindnessinme.Allofus14learnaboutkindness.15greatpowerithas!”? 1.A.others B.theothers C.another D.other 2.A.to B.on ...
A.dollars B.dollar C.Yuans D.pound ( )25. —Haveyou had lunch—? Yes,I had goodinner at m 15、yfriend 's house,too. A.a/a B.your/a C.the/the D./,/ ( )26.What ' s the matter the children? A.for B.with C.at D.to - 5 - 句型转换 01.lt ' s about 9:25.( 就...
A) impulse C) stimulation B) instinct D) surge Never mind all these phrases---just tell us the plain facts. A) controversy B) comfort C) fancy D) mystery Lesson Twenty-four No one imagined that the apparently businessman was really a criminal. A) respective B) respectable C) respectful...
Must not contain the following symbols: $ (dollar sign), ? (question mark), or = (equals sign). Must contain at least five different characters. Must not contain too many consecutively incrementing or decrementing numbers or letters. For example, the string "12345" has four suc...
He always greets (问候) us when we come home. He has to check out all the bags to make sure if theres food there for him, especially chips! Mr. Hawkeye is . our pet dog B. the owner of the pet C. a cat D. a vet He receives his name Hawkeye because . A. he is a hawk ...