● -D: GDS in daemon mode. This parameter is used only in Linux. ---EndCreating a Foreign Table Step 1 Use an SQL client to connect to the GaussDB(DWS) database. Step 2 Create the following foreign table: CA UTION LOCATION: Replace it with the actual GDS address and port number. ...
● -d dir: directory for storing data files that contain data to be imported. This practice uses /input_data/ as an example. ● -p ip:port: listening IP address and port for GDS. The default value is Replace it with the IP address of a 10GE network that can ...
SBA UDGS 2425 Order no.212-0136,400V/24V DC25ALEONARD SG100-12 M 35 M6 K LBucher WVRA-43-D66K-6-3 24DAEG THYRO-A 2A 400-45 H 1Huebner-berlin GTF 7.16L/460 NO.L922922trafox PA-3A-/6mHBioengineering 53629,Set of seals,DN65,24Kvs,Control valveTurck WWAK4-2/P00 Nr:8007148PEI...
intern.CO-A1491 离合器 PHOENIX MSTBV 2,5/ 2-G-5,08 AU PARKER D3W004CNJWT SCHUNK 0301554INK65-S PHOENIX FMC 1,5/ 3-ST-3,81 GY7038 CN2 GOSSEN DQB96 0-150A Phoenix 1212602 螺丝刀 STROMAG 备件 645 HYDAC 滤芯 0660 R 010 BN4HC HYDAC SK210-32/3218U-210AAH-AAE-18 Turck RU100...
active key AK-4100-U-W/USPhoenix EMG 17-REL/KSR- 24/21-21-LC AU - 2941439heidenhain Adapterkabel ID:369124-01ASM GmbH WS17KT-2000-R1K-L10-M4-D8-SD4BOEHLER UTP 665 D2.5(33KG)PULSOTRONIC KJ4-G8-MB35-X0303,Nr.:9912-0010Hawe SB0 3 G 2IFM AC1258IFM DI505AStoerk 900380.005 ST70...
Amd64_0bbbfb274f49fe905a7c761186b14739_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_4.0.9280.17596_none_aad36b18ce0af51d.manifest Versão do arquivo Not applicable Tamanho do arquivo 639 Date (UTC) 30-Sep-2020 Time (UTC) 20:26 Plataforma Não aplicável Nome do arquivo Amd64_100733a1f47bde856d7ce0e7...
ATOS DLOH-3C/WP-U 24DC microsonic Nr.320-520-719 DW-AS-503-P12-621 PARAT Art.Nr.433.000.171 ATOS QVHZO-A-06/18 Bandelin D 225 Rhein-Nadel 31002700 ESG-1000 Buschjost gmbH 8452500.0000.00000 Kuka 134217 LAPPORT 101101 GLASER 5.9820.00.50 THERMO SENSOR GmbH 1132-21-004 (Mould 5-009) ...
BAUMUELLER GDM120N-44U1802 0528/0750X1 K P Standard 00399346Maximator MGL60 GlandBaumer GXMMW.A203P32heidenhain UM 115D,96/125,ID:671566-01GSR A5242/1002/012JACOB 11083431NELSON 66-09-40BEI IDEACOD GHT514-1024S019Autem ANA1600EHAHN+KOLB 34075100Tippkemper-Matrix GmbH IRS-U-2LA S99 24VDC....
A public health model for the molecular surveillance of HIV transmission in San Diego, California. AIDS. 2009;23(2):225–232. doi:10.1097/QAD.0b013e32831d2a81 11. Zuo L, Liu K, Liu H, et al. Trend of HIV-1 drug resistance in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis of data...
A public health model for the molecular surveillance of HIV transmission in San Diego, California. AIDS. 2009;23(2):225–232. doi:10.1097/QAD.0b013e32831d2a81 11. Zuo L, Liu K, Liu H, et al. Trend of HIV-1 drug resistance in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis of data...