Font Size 1 Timoteo 2:1-2 Traducción en lenguaje actual Cómo orar en la iglesia 2En primer lugar, recomiendo orar por todo el mundo, dando gracias a Dios por todos y pidiéndole que les muestre su bondad y los ayude.2Recomiendo que se ore por los gobernantes y por todas las aut...
Font Size 1 Timoteo 2:7-9 La Palabra (España) 1 Timothy 2:7-9 New International Version 7And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacherof the Gentiles. ...
La Pazisthe highest capital in the world and the mountains make 2.difficult.Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are 3.. Timoteo Apaza He works as ahumantraffic 4..He is a (n) 5., no one paying him for his work. The 6. why he does the job Before directing thetraffic,...
Before heto direct the traffic,Timoteo had lots of jobs. 21.take短语 1.(高考改编). Black willas general manager when Mitchell retires. 2.The more fat youbefore bedtime,the greater burden you will put on your body at night. 3.I was on a plane that was about towhen my phone rang. 4...
Timoteo 【彭格列九代首领】 大空 Coyote·Nougat 【彭格列九代岚之守护者】Brabanters·Schnitten 【彭格列九代雨之守护者】Ganache·Ⅲ 【彭格列九代雷之守护者】Nie·Brow·Jr 【彭格列九代晴之守护者】Visconti 【彭格列九代云之守护者】Croquant·Bouche 【彭格列九代雾之守护者...
所有“没用”的点击都是匿名的。 > Biblia de Bosquejos y Sermones-RV 1960-1 y 2 Tesalonicenses, 1 y 2 Timoteo, Tito, Filemon 定价: $ 28.24 页数: 360 时间: 2004-7 订阅Biblia de Bosquejos y Sermones-RV 1960-1 y 2 Tesalonicenses, 1 y 2 Timoteo, Tito, Filemon的书评 ©...
1 Timoteo 1:2-4 La Bibbia della Gioia 1 Timothy 1:2-4 New International Version 2To Timothymy true sonin the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Timothy Charged to Oppose False Teachers
高中英语Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 优秀课件1 Module2StudentʹsBook5 By:ZhaoHuan Reading:TheHumanTrafficSignal Enjoyavideo!Matching 1.respect2.volunteer3.circular4.direct5.encounter6.mission7.onaverage8.passby9.take...forgranted10.haveaneffecton A.对...产生影响B.指挥C.相遇;邂逅D.圆形的E...
secretary minervolunteer Introduction-2.Reminder(2m)Fillin inhomes.miner 2.Thispersonworkunderground.3.Thisscientiststudiesthechemistrybiochemistoflivingthings.4.Yougotothispersontohaveyourbarber 5.Thispersonknowsalot...
Saludo - Yo, Pablo, apóstol de Jesucristo por la voluntad de Dios y según la promesa de la vida que es en Cristo Jesús, a Timoteo, amado hijo: Que