The efficiency of plaquing (EOP) oafnTdPT9M01P-T1Pe9r0m1-1 mutant derivatives were performed mutants, compared to the wild-type using stand- control, was calculated by dividing the plaque-forming units per millilitre (pfu/ml) of the particular TP901-1erm mutant by the pfu/ml of the ...
°c. assay.dissolve 2.00 g in 50.0 ml of1 m sodium hydroxide in a ground-glass-stoppered flask and boil under a reflux condenser for 1 h. titrate with1 m hydrochloric acid,using 0.5 ml ofphenolphthalein solution ras indicator. calculate the number of millilitres of1 m sodium hydroxide...
of such size that the volume to be measured occupies at least 40 per cent of its graduated volume. alternatively, the volume of the contents in millilitres may be calculated as the mass in grams divided by the density. for containers with a nominal volume of 2 ml or less, the contents ...