一般性建议 多发性内分泌肿瘤(男性)1型(MEN1)患者及其家属应由多学科团队(MDT)管理,该团队由具有内分泌肿瘤管理经验的相关专家组成(2|⊕⊕○○)。 MDT代表应包括管理神经内分泌肿瘤(NET)的专科医生(如内分泌学家、消化学家和肿瘤学...
para11e1 reso1ution with newton a1gorithms of the inverse non symmetric eigenva1ue prob1emIn this work, we describe two sequential algorithms to solve the Inverse Non-Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem. Both approaches have been based on Newton's iteration. The second one has been parallelized by ...
Martinez JR, Quissell DO, Wood DL, Giles M (1978) Secretory response to parasympathomimetic and sympathomimetic stimulation from the submaxillary gland of rats treated with reserpine. J Pharmacol Exper Ther 194:384–395 Google Scholar Murray CW, Cowan A, Wright DL, Vaught JL, Jacoby HI (198...
√④establishWifi √ ⑤takeashower ×⑥eatfruits √ ⑦callfamilymembersandfriends√⑧brushteeth √ Nowlet’sreadalecturegivenbyanastronauttofindoutmore.Whilereading Readandfinishthetasksasquicklyaspossible.Fastreadingfortheoutline Gothroughthetitleandthe1stparagraphtogetthemainideaofthetext.Para.1 Fast...
The parareal algorithm has been employed for this purpose and the SOLPS code package coupling the B2.5 finite-volume fluid plasma solver with the kinetic Monte-Carlo neutral code Eirene has been used as a test bed. The complex dynamics of the plasma and neutrals in the scrape-off layer (...
Newton, J.H. Brown PHLPP-1 negatively regulates Akt activity and survival in the heart Circ. Res., 107 (4) (2010), pp. 476-484 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [18] T. Gao, J. Brognard, A.C. Newton The phosphatase PHLPP controls the cellular levels of protein kinase C J. Biol. ...
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Keywords:phase-field theory;damage;fracture;energy principle;cohesive zone model;BFGS quasi-newton algorithm PDF (6488KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 吴建营. 固体结构损伤破坏统一相场理论、算法和应用1).力学学报[J], 2021, 53(2): 301-329 DOI:10.6052/0459-1879...
Reynold periment y Für ausgebilde aminare Strömung gilt: Gesetz von Hagen-Poiseuille Geschwindigkeitsprofil y 2 w (y )= wmax 1- d / 2 Parabel Bei laminarer Strömung erfolgt keine Quervermischung in y-Richtung. ...
Prior to injection, the topical anesthetic Alcaine (0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) was applied to the eyelids. Eyes were injected under a dissecting microscope through the cornea into the vitreous humor using a 33 gauge needle attached to a 2.5 μl glass syringe. All studies...