9、尺、微米);nanometer (nm); angstrom (); liter (L);milliliter (mL); microlitre (L) mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, deca-, poly-小小 知知 识识 一、大气温度层结一、大气温度层结 一、大气温度层结一、大气温度层结静大气温度和密静大气温度和密度...
13、epare a 10 mg/ml solution of retinol esters CRS (i.e. 3.3 IU of each ester per microlitre) in cyclohexane R containing 1 g/l of butylhydroxytoluene R. PlateTLC silica gel F254 plate R.Mobile phaseether R, cyclohexane R (20:80 V/V).Application 3 l.Development Over 2/3 of th...
One microlitre of purified probe was incubated with 2 ml of nuclear extract (B2 mg ml À 1) in the presence of 20 mM Hepes-KOH, pH 7.9, 10% (v/v) glycerol, 105 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 50 mM EDTA, 0.25 mg ml À 1 salmon sperm DNA, 1.5 mM dithiothreitol, and protease- and...
microworld [,maikrəu'wə:ld]n. 微观世界 microskirt['maɪkrəskɜːt] n. 超短裙 microprint['maɪkrə(ʊ)prɪnt]n. 缩影相片 练习:microwave ['maɪkrə(ʊ)weɪv] n. milli-(表示 “毫”) 【例词】 millilitre ['mili,li:tə]n. 毫升 练习:millimeter ['m...
The sections were then treated by microwaving to retrieve antigens in 1 litre of 10 mM citrate buffer (pH 6.0) for 30 min at 700 W, and allowed to cool. Endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked by incubating in 1% H2O2/100% methanol for 30 min. Non-specific protein binding was ...
microprint ['maɪkrə(ʊ)prɪnt] n. 缩影相片 练习:microwave ['maɪkrə(ʊ)weɪv] n. milli- (表示 “毫”) 【例词】 millilitre ['mili,li:tə] n. 毫升 练习:millimeter ['mɪlɪˌmi:tə] n. mis- (表示 “错误”) 【例词】 misuse [mɪs'juːz] ...
One microlitre of lavage fluid was subjected to lipid mediator analysis as above. 1454 HAMERS ET AL. 2.7 | Quantitative RT-PCR For the assessment of mRNA levels in inflamed skin tissue, animal skin samples were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collec- tion. For each assessment...
One microlitre of the template DNA extracted from formalin fixed tissue using the EZ1 Robot (Qiagen) was added to 25 ul PCR reaction. The following PCR programme was used to amplify selected markers: (Heated lid at 110 °C) 95 °C for 10 min, then 34 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min,...
One hundred and twenty five microlitre of each test solution were added to each well containing 125 μL of MHB to achieve a starting concentration of 128 mg/L. A twofold serial dilution of test solutions was prepared to get final concentrations ranging from 128–0.25 mg/L. Mycobacterial ...
The data were analysed with QuantStudio 3D AnalysisSuite (Life Technologies), and the quantification of the target genomic region was presented as the number of copies per microlitre of PCR mixture. The estimated diploid copy numbers of AMY1 with WGS were consistent with the result obtained with...