新大学法语1 (第二版)李志清课文译文及习题答案 课文参考译文及习题答案 (丁EXTEA I 您好吗?) ] 2 ;一您好,夫人。 —好,法妮。 —您好,先生。您好吗? —你好,伊夫。 一(我)很好,谢谢,您呢? —你好吗? 一我也很好, 谢谢C 一很好,谢谢。你呢? —我(也)很好……呦,这是谁? —这是我妹妹,艾玛。
PaSCal : COmbien de PerSoMeS y a-t-il dans ta famille Lolita : 11 y a Ci叫 PerSonneS dans ma famille. Ce Sont mes parents, mon 血w. ma s-ur et moi. PaSCa 1: OUe 力厩 tes ParentS LOIita : MOn pe 侬 ProfeSSeUr et ma m6re est 地而疝血. PaSCai : TU W 6tudiante Lolita :...
For maize cob infection, maize plants were de-tasseled to increase the prospect of cob infection by preventing the pollination of ovules. Cobs were injected, as described previously [29,33]. In separate experiments, dwarf maize plants were infected with wild type (WT) and mutant strains on ...