五千多个欧洲品牌供应商涵盖所有工业品 GROB 减速机 Type:KH1-LM-A0-2:1-KGT2525-0770-1367-Z-KGFD-SoFETT No.:KH1-111076-336 五千多个欧洲品牌供应商涵盖所有工业品 Mec Fluid 2 油压传动阀 MF-G8290 五千多个欧洲品牌供应商涵盖所有工业品 motrona 速度计 DZ267 五千多个欧洲品牌供应商涵盖所有工业品 le...
1 Pa = 1 newton per square meter 1 Pa = 1 Pascal 1 Pa = 0.0209 pound per square foot 1 Pa = 0.000145 pound per square inch 1 Pa = 0.000102 ton per square meter 1 Pa = 0.00401 Water Column [inch] 1 Pa = 0.000102 Water Column [meter] ...
优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical TDZ-3 350kgf/cm 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical 4002 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical C01B 134911优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical SQR81.2 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical 1897-201 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical 1897-131 优势产品shanghai hangou ...
2. 1 atmosphere is roughly equal to 0.1 bar, as 1 bar is equivalent to 100 kilopascals.3. 1 pascal (Pa) is defined as the force of 1 newton applied per square meter, which is the same as 1 newton per square meter.4. In engineering, 1 kilogram-force per square ...
Force has the unit N (Newton) or lb (pound) or even kgf (kilogram foce) Length is m (meter) or ft (foot). The length of the lever arm is obviously as important as the “strength” of the operator. Wrenches or spanners are generally more of size to match the palm of a hand ...
To explain the meaning of the statement "1 kgf = 9.8 N," we can break it down into several steps: Step 1: Understanding KGF- Definition: KGF stands for "kilogram-force," which is a unit of force in the MKS (Meter-Kilogram-Second) system.- Explanation: It represents the force exerted...
densitykilogrampercubicmeterkg/m 3 momentofinertiakilogram·meter 2 kg·m 2 forcenewtonN momentofforce(torque)newton-meterN·m pressureandstresspascalPa(pascalpnewtonpersquaremeter) energy,workjouleJkilowatt-hour(kW·h) powerwattW impactstrengthjouleJ ...
BONGSHIN Compression Load Cell NNB BCH25-2t CAPACITY 2000kgf SEN-I-1024=7C44 BNT2005+1385mm THK Rolled Ball Screw Square Type EK15+EF15 Linear Bearing BMC15G3-VO+510L 2R4B LM Guide Linear Bearing CNC route THK HSR15R LMG-I-405=1M54 BIF3206-10+510mm Precision Ground Ball Scr...